Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Louis got up the next morning and sighed. Why did he go out with Harry? Did he really even like him like that? Well of course he does. Harry is all Louis thought about.

Louis got dressed and walked downstairs, deciding to go out in the town.

He pulled his jacket on and headed out the door. He started walking to a local coffee shop.

He walked in, the smell immediately hitting his nose.

Louis smiled as he got his coffee and sat down at a table in the café.

"Your Louis right?" A girl asked as she walked up to Louis' table. "This seat taken?" She asked and Louis shook his head.

"Um, yea. Who are you?" He asked. She smiled.

"I'm Ashley." Louis nodded.

"I'm Louis." He greeted back.

"Listen, I know you have feelings for Harry, but trust me. He's bad news." Louis furrowed his eyebrows.

"What are you talking about? Yes, he seems mysterious and whatever but he seems like a pretty nice guy to trust." Ashley sighed.

"No, Louis. He's had a terrible past. All he does is try to find the most gullible person to be with. Then he traps them in his trap using hypnotism. He just uses people, Louis." Louis bit his lip shaking his head.

"Louis it's true. He already came to me asking how to hypnotize someone. I told him how to, but not the right way to do it. He's doing what he always does. Louis, your his next target." Ashley said with a sigh. Louis shook his head. Could Harry really just be planning to use him?

"No. He's not that kind of a person. I know Harry, he would never, ever do that." Louis said, just trying to convince himself.

"Louis stay away from him. I mean it stay away no matter how hard he reels you in with his charm and cheekiness. I know you love how mysterious he is. But you have to stay away from him." Ashley said looking Louis in his eyes. Louis looked down. What if she's right? What if she was just lying to him.

"I'll stay away from him..." Louis sighed and looked back up at her. Ashley nodded and smiled.

"Good. Your new here and I don't want you getting hurt by him already. It's not worth it." Ashley said as pain filled in her eyes.

"He used you?" Louis asked. Ashley nodded.

"He did a few years back, he knew my powers, my descendants. He tracked me down and asked for what he wanted. Louis he'll make you think he's in love with you, when your falling for him. Then, he'll take your heart and rip it in two. Never to look back on it, unless he needs you again for something. He craves to be loved. New love, nothing that will last. He just wants to know he's loved by someone, anyone. That's all he wants Louis. I'm just here to warn you." Ashley said, her voice cold, yet serious. Louis knew she was telling the truth. He just didn't want to believe her.

"Well I got to go. I wanted to tell you that, because I knew you would need to hear it." She said and got up, swiftly walking out the door.

Descendants? Powers? Louis asked himself. What is Harry and what is she?

Louis knew Harry was hiding something, maybe what Ashley just told him was what he was hiding. He needed to learn more.

He just needed to find out how, without getting hurt.






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