Dark Nights

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It was 2:30 in the morning and I couldn't sleep. I had been tossing and turning for about half an hour. It was just so frustrating! I had recently finished watching Markiplier on YouTube (Okay, not the best YouTuber to go to sleep to but eh, what can you do?)

I rubbed my eyes and got out of bed, changing into my favorite dark green skinny jeans and Nirvana top; throwing on my Black Veil Brides jumper and boots. Sighing softly I quickly tied my onyx hair. Quietly I snuck out of my large bay window and slid down the roof onto a tree branch. As quiet as I could I jumped down and began sprinting off to the local park. A few lights were burning out giving the street ahead and eerie flickering glow; shivering at the thought of what lurks out there in the dark, dingy corners of the night. Psh... I'll be fine, right?

I shook the thought off and decided to head quicker to the park, which was just ahead, to clear my thoughts.

I walked around the dark park for a while, putting my headphones in first and playing the first Black Veil Brides album 'We Stitch These Wounds' on full blast. For some reason I had a strange feeling that someone was following me but after looking over my shoulder I confirmed that no one was there.

Though as I looked back in front of me I saw two icy blue eyes inches from my own ivy green ones. The male spoke, his voice husky and deep and in any other situation I'd think it was sexy.



Ehhh.. I'll upload when I can. I hope it was okay.

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