Fallen Angels

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Oh god... Am I dead? I'm dead aren't I? No, no, no, no!

Aren't you supposed to feel no pain when you die?

Why does my ankle feel like it's trapped in between two walls that are pushing together?

I decide to open my eyes to get some sense of where I am but am only greeted by more darkness, though I feel my lashes against some sort of fabric.

Am I blindfolded?

It all comes rushing back to me now, the deep voice, the piercing  blue eyes, the blackness..

Have I been kidnapped?

I begin having a panic attack, hyperventilating. I can't breathe. Whatever's holding my ankle is not helping.

It hurts.

Everything hurts. My ankle is cold and throbbing. My chest is burning; searing with pain. My head spinning and about to explode.

Why me?

I only realize that I'm sobbing when I feel the tears tickling my cheeks. My voice sounds horse, as if I haven't had anything to drink in days. I shouted out, " Please?! Someone?! Anyone?! Help me?!"


I continued sitting there, in self pity when I hear the door screech open.

With a sudden wave of fear crashing over me I silence myself.

"Tut. Tut. Tut. Not before I have my way with you first." He whispered, somewhat seductively into my ear. Wait.. Do I know that voice? No! It can't be!

"Stop scaring her Ash. She's already terrified enough."

Well shit. Guess they've just lost a fan.

"Awww. But I wanna have fun with her!" I could practically hear the pout.

"Andy said to leave her for him."

"Why does Andy always get the good ones? He's younger than all of us!"

"You know he's twice as strong"

"Fineeee!" Ash whined and seemed to go off in a huff.

Another set of footsteps entered the room.

I heard a few clanking noises and then the walls between my ankle went away. Strange. But then I was suddenly yanked off of the floor and pushed against the wall, held up by my neck. I couldn't breathe.. My lungs began burning again.

The same deep, husky voice from the park spoke out. "Tie her up Jake." Yep.. That's Andy.

My legs were separated and my arms were hoisted up. Cold metal clamped around my wrists and ankles. I yelped out in pain as the clamp went around the crushed ankle.

"Aww, look. She's hurt." Andy laughed.

Didn't know he could be such a psycho. And to think I looked up to him.

I spat in his face.. Or well spat out since I couldn't see anything. But this only angered him.

He punched me in the face, gut and then the ribs. I actually think he broke a few since I was finding it harder to breath.

This pushed me over the edge and I had another panic attack. This time passing out. Oh, fuck you universe! You just love torturing me.

Again, I'll upload when I can.

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