Blogspot 🎶

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FROM NOW ON THIS WILL BE A BLOGSPOT!! Basically this book will continue being "A Little Bit About Me" but a little bit more random. It wont just be filled with just facts, but with random posts about my day. Or just random posts, haha that too. Okay, anyways, lets move on from my awkwardness. 

On here I will just post whatever I want... Social media is getting really boring, and I cant post everything at once on them because either one has a character count, one doesnt allow pictures, or one just focuses on pictures. The only websites I can think of that I can post regularly on are tumblr and facebook lmao. So on here will basically just be whatever. 

I deleted my website, which was up for about a year, but I've recently quit using it. I might remake it, but on another website supporter. I'm not going to delve too far into it though; don't want to show my tech savvy too soon, right 😉😂

By the way, I don't ever type on my phone. There are too many inconveniences 😂. If you are wondering where I get the emojis for my laptop, which is just really boring, old Acer: I use a website called fsymbols. I know links don't really work on wattpad, not with my experiences anyways, so just copy and paste the url--

Okay, well, I always say more than needed, but thats one thing I guess you can learn from reading this book. Whatever, haha.

Anyways, I'm basically just going to use this as my new website. I feel like quotev and wattpad are good websites for me to use right now. I do have other social media's, though. I will post them another time, on a separate page, though. There are too many to list XD. 

Yeah, I've talked too much, ALREADY. Okay. Yeah.

 Thanks for sticking with, bye.

Inside The Freak (Get To Know Me-just Read) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora