Chapter 3: Verified

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~Addilyn's POV~

   Currently, I am now at home with my mother. God, it's nice to be back. I missed my home so much. "Honey, I'm so glad you're back."

   "Me too, mom."

   She hugs me, "You're a real miracle, you know that right?." I just nod my head. Me? A miracle? Huh, never thought I would be a miracle. "Come, let's sit on the couch. I'm going to make you some cookies."

   "Do you-"

   "Nope, I don't need any help, but thank you." Mom headed towards the kitchen and I went on my phone. As I opened up twitter, I was greeted with loads of tweets and oh my lordy. I used to have just 50 followers now I have over 1 million. Holy shit fucks and I'm verified. My Instagram also has over 1 million followers and I'm verified on there too! Goddamn. "Cookies are done!" My mom sets the cookies down on the table and I pick one up immediately. "Now tell me what happened with you and Brendon at his house."

   "I was waiting for you to ask me that."

   "Well, tell me woman!"

   "Okay, okay sheesh. Honestly, it was so much fun and I love him so much."


   "Well, he really wants me to move in with him-"

   "Oh my gosh, yes!"

   "Really, mom?"

   "I'm going to miss you honey so much-"

   "Mom! I told him to ask me again in a week. God, I didn't know you wanted me to leave so badly."

   She squeezed my shoulder, "Oh Addilyn, I'm just playing with you."

   "Mhm, whatever."


   I laugh," Anyway, this is like the best part, though, so get your cookies ready. You know how I told you about the whole him giving me this ring and I gave him a picture I drew of us and all." She nods. "So, I was wondering if he wanted it back because you know I'm alive and of course he didn't. We basically had a discussion about it and he was saying that he wanted me to keep it to remember him by if we left it each other. I would never leave him and I told him, as did he. Here's the good part, so prepare to squeal. Brendon then asked me if I wanted it to be a promise ring." Mom looked like she was about to maker her high pitch squealing noise. "Wait, don't yet! Basically, he promised me that he was never going to leave me and one day maybe we could take our relationship further."



   Mom squeals,"Did you except the promise."

   "No way! Why would I?"

   "What the fuc-excuse me."

   I laugh, "Mom you're allowed to curse around me. I'm not a baby."

   "You're right, sorry. Anyway, what the fuck Addilyn."

   "Just kidding. Of course, I accepted!"

   "Yay! Oh my gosh!"

   "He's going to buy me a new ring even though I insisted."

   "Aw, I can't wait to see it!"

   "Chill, it's not an engagement ring."

   "I know, but it's a promise ring! Hey, you wanna go shopping?"

    "That's random, but sure. I do have a dinner at Breezy's so yeah."

   "I love Breezy."

   "Me too."

   "Come on, let's go!"

   We arrived at the Los Angeles Mall and thank the lord it wasn't packed. We went into lots of stores like Charlotte Russe, Forever 21, American Apparel, American Eagle, and TopShop. We also went to eat at one of the food courts inside. The outfit that I brought was a maroon colored lace dress with a velvet belt with black ballet flats with lacing. Also, I got some makeup from Sephora. "Any other stores?"

   "Um, I don't think so. Do you want to go into any stores, mom?"

   "Hmm, no I'm good. I went shopping already."

   "Alright." We exited the mall, got into the car, and drove home. My mom turned on the radio and "I Write Sins Not Tragedies" started to play.

Oh, well, imagine

As I'm pacing the pews in a church corridor

And I can't help but to hear

No, I can't help but to hear an exchanging of words

What a beautiful wedding, says a bridesmaid to a waiter

And, yes, but what a shame

What a shame the poor groom's bride is a whore.

I chime in with a

Haven't you ever heard of closing a goddamn door?

No, it's much better to face these kinds of things with a sense of poise and rationality

We arrived at home and my mom starts to prepare dinner. I love these kind of days with mother. Man, I am really going to miss them.

 Man, I am really going to miss them

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Miracle // Book 2 // Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now