5: Taking risks is my middle name

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At approximately 9:55 AM on a fine Wednesday morning in spring, I ran away from school. Actually, I technically walked away, but the idea's there. I left the school premises without the school's permission and without anyone knowing. I left my bag at school and only had my phone and a banana in my pocket as I started the half hour walk to Sub's house. I knew roughly where it was.


Okay, I knew the neighbourhood that it was in. I didn't know where the street was, but that's not the point.

I strolled down the streets, keeping a lookout for police and any responsible-looking adults. The last thing I needed was for someone to ask why I was outside of school. I also kept an eye on the time and the street names. 

It was 10:40 AM by the time I found Sub's street. I was starting to worry at that point, and I ran down his street, searching for his house, number 10. I was impressed when I found it. It was a cream and red two story house, with neat bushes out the front and a small tree in the garden. I opened the red gate and walked up the path, my stomach full of butterflies (As the saying goes). I rang the doorbell and waited. 

The door was opened by a man in his early 20's. He had short brown hair, green eyes and fair complexion. He looked at me, slightly puzzled.

"Um.... hi Sub," I said shyly. Ugh, why am I so bad at talking to people? "I'm Riley, from Minecraft."

Recognition dawned on his face and he nodded, motioning for me to come inside. I hesitantly stepped through the door, taking off my backpack while I looked around. The house was tidy and spacious, with mostly wooden furniture. Sub led me through the house to the study, where someone was sitting in one of the chairs.

"Sky!" I blurted. He grinned and waved at me. "Why are you here?"

"Well, I've decided to come with you," he said. "Besides, I want to see Minecraft again. I haven't been able to play Minecraft since we've come back, and it's been awful."

"What? What do you mean you haven't been able to play Minecraft?" I asked.

Sky shrugged. "Since we came back, Minecraft has stopped working. It glitches as soon as people get onto any world, server or realm. The codes have become scrambled and Mojang can't figure out what's wrong. Even Notch has no idea what's happened. The internet's exploded about it, heaps of people say it's proof that Herobrine's real, but no one is mentioning Entity or Null."

"Will we still be able to go back there?" I asked, looking at Sub. He nodded, shoved Sky off his chair and sat down at the computer, tapping away at the keys.

Being the anti-social person I am, I didn't look at Sky and instead ate my banana slowly. It was slightly under-ripe, but I didn't mind. Sky checked his twitter on his phone, chuckling or huffing every now and then. After several minutes, Sub motioned that he was ready. We stood in the middle of the room as he directed, standing completely still. 

"You ready for this Riley?" Sky asked.

I took a deep breath. "Ready," I said.

"WAIT!" someone yelled, bursting into the room.

"Mitch?" Sky asked. "Jerome? What are you guy doing here?"

"We sped all the way here," Bajan said, slightly breathless. "I'm pretty sure I've lost my license."

"But why are you here?" I repeated. I was still annoyed at him for being so against my plan. I could see why he didn't like it, but that didn't make me less annoyed. 

Bajan and Jerome looked embarrassed. "Well, Jerome and I talked about it this morning," Bajan said, "and we figured that you guys needed us. It's like what Herobrine said last time: We need each other to survive."

"And I kinda wanna be really strong again," Jerome added.

Bajan grinned. "Yeah, the whole 'special powers' thing might have finally convinced us to come."

I sighed, but smiled. "I hate you guys so much," I said, still smiling.

"We know," Bajan chuckled.

Jerome closed the study door and they came and stood next to Sky and I. Sub hit a key on his computer and stood next to us. Nothing happened for a few seconds, then I heard a beeping sound. Lights appeared in a square around us, with lines of code connecting them. The code lines thickened and came closer, covering us like a second skin. I shut my eyes, and felt a falling sensation. My stomach lurched and I lost feeling of my legs, my arms and my face. My head spun and I felt like throwing up. Then my back hit something solid and the world solidified around me. I groaned and tried to force my eyes open. A bright blue sky, a glowing sun and a soft breeze hitting my face.

We did it.

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