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I'm not good at writing fighting scenes, so of course, every book I write has a fight scene in it. Oh well.

Entity approached me, chuckling slightly, his sword swinging from his hand. I had my sword raised, ready to block. My situation didn't look great, but I didn't have to beat Entity. I just had to not die. Hopefully my friends would find me soon. Really soon. My situation got worse when a shadow detached itself from the wall and formed Null. Facing Entity alone, I could manage. Facing Null alone, maybe. Facing both at the same time? Forget it.

Entity swung his sword at me, aiming for my side. I deflected it and stepped back, raising my sword to block his fast downward stroke for my head. I tried my own attack, aiming for his thigh, but he blocked it and I had to dive out of the way to avoid his counter-strike. I saw Null moving closer out of the corner of my eye, but I had to keep focused on Entity. One slow move and I was dead meat.

Entity attacked again and I blocked, staggering slightly from the force of his hit. I barely saw his lightning fast follow up until my sword jerked, dragging my arm with it and blocking the stroke. I didn't have time to register this. Null was starting to join in the fight, sending snake-like coils of smoke in my direction. I had to divide my attention between Entity trying to hack off my head and Null trying to trip me up. I would have been killed several times if it wasn't for my jerky sword. In a detached part of my mind, I noticed that it glowed when it moved by itself and whenever it hit Entity's sword.

I had been fighting for five minutes - Maybe ten? - when one of Null's smoke coils wrapped around my ankles and jerked my legs out from underneath me. I fell with a thump, my sword skidding from my grasp. Two more smoke coils wrapped around my arms and pinned them to the ground. In a few short seconds, I was helpless, defenceless.

Entity laughed. "Did you honestly think for even a second that you could beat me?" he asked, placing the point of his sword on my chest.

I felt my armour grow hot as a bolt of what looked like miniature lightning raced across my chest and contacted with Entity's sword. It raced up the sword and threw Entity back, his sword spinning in the opposite direction. Null make a sound that could have been a scream as red arrows slammed into him out of nowhere and the smoke coils released me.

"COME ON RILEY!" Sky yelled. Bajan was standing beside him, his bow up with another arrow ready to fly.

I scrambled up and sprinted to my friends who were waiting at the door. They spun around and we sprinted away from Entity and Null.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Sub asked in my mind.

'Yeah, I'm fine. Hey, since when could you speak in my mind?' I asked.

"When I first came here, Herobrine spoke in my mind. He taught me how to do it, but told me that I shouldn't do it to others cause it can freak them out," Sub explained.

'Fair enough.'

"Don't talk now guys," I heard someone else say. "Mind-speech isn't exactly private and Entity can hear what you say."

I looked to my left and saw that Herobrine was running alongside us. He had cuts on his face and arms and he was favouring his left leg. But he was alive and he smiled when he looked at me. 

We turned another corner and saw more rows of corridors. Jerome growled in frustration. 

"Why the heck does this guy need all this space?" he asked no one in particular.

"It's so people like you can't escape," a voice behind us said.

"BOOK IT!" Sky yelped, taking off. We followed suit, desperately trying to get away from Entity. We couldn't fight him here in his castle. This was where he had the upper hand.

Vengeance: The Glitch and the ViolentWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu