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Lucy's POV.


"P-Please...daddy..." I cried. He laugh. "What do you want slut?! I'm not your daddy anymore!! It's because of you!! Layla died because of you!!"

He spank me again and again. After that, he stopped and walk away. I breath in relief but stopped when he came back. With a whip in his hands.

He walk towards me and hit me with the whip. Seconds after seconds, minutes after minutes, hours after hours. He kept hitting me with the whip and sometimes spank me.

After a few more hours, he walk away. I cried and cried. Why is this happening to me? What did I ever do? Why is my life like this? Am I going to die being abused by my own father? I DON'T WANT THAT! I need to get out of here....No. Matter. What.

I wipe away my tears and get up. My hurts. But I kept going. I walk to my closet, get my secret bag, and put clothes in. My secret bag already have stuff for emergencies.

There's flashlight lacrima, money, pixie dust, phone lacrima, and stuff for camping like the tent and stuff.

I went downstairs to the kitchen. I grab food and drinks as many as I can. I'm 10 so I'm not afraid of anything anymore....except my father.

I went to my secret hole in the backyard. No one seems to notice me.

I ran towards the forest beside my mansion. I ran and ran, not knowing where to go...and not caring either. I just want to run away from that hell.

After hours of running, I saw a town. I sigh in relief and walk towards the town. It's a nice town...

I walk until I saw a park. I went to a bench and sat down. My legs feel sore. I don't think I can walk anymore...

Laxus's POV.

I'm so mad right now. I can't believe he put a lacrima on me. I hate him!

I walk and walk. I was searching for a place to sit and rest. You dad wanted power. He put a lacrima on me 2 days ago. After that, I went unconcious.

I was just awake and realize that I was in gramps's guild infirmary. I got mad when gramps said my father, Ivan, put a lacrima on me. Good thing gramps save me from my father.

I walk until I saw that this route I'm taking is leading to the park. I walk to the park and saw a bench. There on the bench, sitting, is a girl with blonde hair and a bag.

I sat down next to her and said "Uh...hi..." She look at me. She's so cute...and pretty. I wonder what's she's doing here... "Hi..." she said shyly.

"So...what are you doing here?" I asked softly. "Um...I ran away from home." She said. I was about to answer when I saw bruises on her body.

"Hey! You need treatment. C'mon. Gramps will help!" I said to her. She look down."I-I don't think I can walk... I've been running for hours now..." she said as she blushed in embarrestment.

I walk to her and get down to her level in front of her but my back is facing her. She look confused. "Piggyback ride." I said. She blushed but get on my back. When she did, there's this sparks that I feel and I got shivers down my spine. But in a good way. I get her bag and walk to my house. I'm living with gramps too though.

Once there, I knock on the door and gramps opened it. "Laxus, who's this?" Gramps asked. "Gramps, this is my friend. We need to treat her bruises." I said. He nodded and let us in.

Once in, I carried her to my bedroom and place her on my bed, carefully. Gramps walk in and start treating her, with my help of course.

After treating her wounds, gramps asked where she live. "Um...I ran away from home to train..." she said, quitely. After a few more questions, gramps walk out of my room.

She is staying with us till tommorow. We insist that she stay and train with us but she politely decline. And as gramps said; do not force a lady on what she does not want to do.

We stay up late, talking about stuff. She has a rough life...I wish I can help...

I also told her about me being in Fairy Tail guild and gramps being the master. We then make a promise. After that, we went to sleep, cuddling each other.

It feels...warm...

In the morning, I woke up feeling cold. I saw that I was alone. I run down stairs to see gramps eating breakfast.

"Gramps?! Where's she?" I asked, frantically. "She said she need to go early. Here. She left a letter. Take a shower and meet me at the guild, Laxus." Gramps said.

Lucy's POV.


He's sleeping so peacefully...I can't wake him up...

So I walk downstairs and said goodbye to gramps. I left the town, not saying goodbye to Laxus but leaving him a letter.

And that' I met Laxus.

Another new fanfic!
Should I continue this?
Oh and btw, Lucy is 9 to 10
while Laxus is 13
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