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heyya honey boo :v
okaaay that sounded WEIRD.
so umm..I just wanna say that..
it's just..eum..I'm a ninthgrader now and I just got threatened by someone :v okay skip.

anywaaay here is the new chapter mwah
btw, comment what you think okd


Writer's POV.

"what...are you people doing..."

ooohhh now lucy is mad 😡😂
after she open the door loudly, and forcefully if I may add, she gave the two boys a glare. a deathly one too, in fact.


Lucy and Laxus meet each other's eye and they stayed in that position of a few minutes before Lucy broke the.. umm what do you call it..? idk :v


Mistogan was the first one to spoke up since he felt a tension started growing between them.

"Lu. this is laxus. laxus. this is the girl that you have always waited for"

"no shit, sherlock"
(I don't think he will say that tho lol)

"HEY! watch your language!"

"oh um sorry"

"Now. you two boys. sit down and EXPLAIN." says Lucy while pressing the word 'explain'.

the boys immediately sit down in front of Lucy, and Mistogan started 'explaining', as I quoted.

"Lu, eum, Laxus here wanted to take over FairyTail and he tried to kill everyone in the guild. I tried to stop him bu-"

"Hush. Now Laxus. Your explanation?"

Rather than responding to Lucy, Laxus huffed, signaling that he is annoyed and doesn't want to answer Lucy.

But Lucy doesn't like it one bit.

Lucy stormed to Laxus's side and she kick him :v

a girly sound came out of....



carry on girly

It came out of Natsu's mouth.
Why? well here's the thing.
when Lucy was about to kick Laxus's thing, Natsu came in and was kicked by Lucy instead.

How did that happend?
weeellll natsu was running and can't stop, then he crash into Laxus and replace Laxus's place to get kicked by Lucy.


[timeskip a bit]
place : FairyTail Guild's Hall

Lucy's POV.


oh my god that is the worst thing that I have done my life!!

well, I kicked Leo on the crotch before but that's because Leo came in to my room when I was taking off my clothes so I can get a shower.

I was crying because I kicked someone who doesn't deserve the kick.

"That is alright, my child."

I look back and I saw...


"ah! grandpa!" I ran to hug him and he hugged me back.

"Lucy, my child, it has been some time."

"Yes, indeed, Grandpa. You seem well"

"Well of course. But I can't say the same for my grandson over there"

grandpa point to Laxus who is sitting at the corner of the guild.

"There must be something wrong with him, grandpa. I believe that he is-" and before I could finish my own line, grandpa finished it for me.

"Possesed. I know, my child, I know. And I was could do something about it."


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