Chapter one: The vacation and the girl

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A/N- there are swears in this book soooo you know *smiles*

 Sky’s POV

I packed my bags carefully, not wanting to forget anything that I may need for my week long vacation. My computer, clothes, shampoo, cords to my phone, and some books rested in my small suitcase. I grabbed my car keys as I shut my suitcase, zipping it up tight.

I glanced at my mirror. My long brown hair fell in my face, i pushed it out of the way so I could see. My blue eyes looked dull, only a hint of green rested in them, my skin was almost pale, it was winter after all and I did not like going to crowed places so I did not tan much.

I shook my head, messing up my hair. I grabbed my red hat and put it on, covering my ears. I pulled my suitcase off my bed with a loud ‘thud’ and pulled it towards the door, grabbing my black button up jacket on the way.

I stepped into the elevator, pushing the button with the arrow that pointed to the floor. As I waited, I pulled my jacket on, leaving it open, not bothering to button it up. I watched the elevator door open slowly. Old hotel, plus old elevator equals total death trap.

I shrugged and dragged the suitcase and myself out of the old death trap and into the lobby. It was quiet, no one talked, and no one seemed to even breathe. It was to quiet for life. The clicking of my boots on the hard tile floor seemed to wake everyone up in this damned hotel.

I sighed and walked out the door, placing a note on the desk before I left. The cold air pulled at my skin and I tightened my grip on the handle of my suitcase, running to my car. I opened the car door and pushed in my suitcase inside, then myself. I turned the key in the slot and waited for my car to warm up.

I glanced out my window and took everything in; the ground was shinny with the light covering of frost, the sky was grey due to the snow clouds that begin to roll in, my window was foggy due to the low atmosphere. My car got warm and I pulled my car out of the parking lot and down the road, focusing on the world ahead of me.

--Hours later--

My surroundings turned from a town with the population of 100 people, to a dark and eerie cabin surrounded by trees. But I was a book writer, I needed a new experience for my book “The Masked Killer” it was horror, and I needed a perfect environment to write it in. So I picked a week long “vacation” to this old piece of shit that’s called a cabin.

I pulled my suitcase out of my car and it hit the muddy ground, getting me all dirty. “Shit!” I grumbled and pulled my suitcase along the dirt path after shutting my car door and locking it.

I opened the cabin door and it squeaked on its hinges. It was an old place, you could tell by how the windows cracked and the wood was all a dark brown, with mold or moss coming from the cracks and the trees around it didn’t make it anymore welcoming.

It was a scary place inside too. The one room cabin was dark, the furniture was old and the sides were coming undone with stuffing falling out of it, the tables were braking and weak, the walls were bumpy and black, the floor was creaking with every step, and the whole room was horrible. I looked to a corner; a small fire lit the room. ‘Wow that makes every thing so much more like home’ I thought, pulling my suitcase inside, throwing it on to the old couch while using my other hand to close the squeaky cabin door.

--A day later--

I walked to the couch and pulled my computer out and began to write my book; “She ran quickly away from the masked man, she didn’t know why he wanted her or why he was even here. But she didn’t have anywhere to go now. The door slammed in her face and she was trapped. She kicked and punched at the door, a firm hand on her shoulder made her jump. She turned slowly around and came face to face---or face to mask---with the masked man…..” I stopped writing when a click on my door perked my defenses.

My heart dropped when the door slowly opened with a light scratching noise. I grabbed my phone cord and held it tightly in my hands. A small silhouette of a head popped out at the foot of my door.

“h-help me, h-he’s after m-me” A little girls voice called, following by the rest of her body. She held a small teddy bear. “P-please help m-me” I held my cord in my hand still, as I walked over to the girl. Her pink dress was blood stained, her brown curly hair was pulled down and was crusted with blood.

She held her arms out and I picked her up. “Take me a-away from this p-place” I nodded and pushed all the stuff back in my suitcase and ran out the door with the girl in my arms.


I was home and the small girl sat on my bed, smiling. “What’s your name?” the small girl looked up at me with her bright green eyes. “Sally” I tilted my head and smiled. “I need to warn you about…him” I walked closer and sat down next to her.

“Who is him?” I asked and she frowned. “The man with the mask, he kills and stalks his prey. You have to be careful, he might come for you next, like he did me” I felt bad for the girl, it wasn’t every day you bring a girl home from the woods that is covered in blood, that claims that some one is after her.

“who is he?” I asked and she shrugged. “I-I cant say, he would come after me again” After that she covered her mouth and whispered; “I said to much! I have to leave!” She pushed her self up and ran to my window, opening it and jumping out. “Sally!’ I ran to the window and looked out. She was no where to be found.

“Oh fuck! What do I do now?!” I looked around but sally was still no where to be seen. I pulled my self from the window, closing it, and walked to my bed. “I should get some sleep” I said tiredly. Pulling the covers from my bed up and over me.

Before I fell asleep I thought I saw a figure of a person standing at my door.

A/N-Sally had to help me with this one and she wanted to be the first to come in and make a dramatic jump out the window, so ya there is chapter one, dont worry more is coming soon. AND i didnt want sky on that long of a vacation cuz it brings in more suspence, but sky will be going back there in the next chapter, cuz she "forgot" something and then the major mystery/thriller is goin to kick in!

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