Chapter two: Lost and Found (part 1 of 5)

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A/N-Im sorry for the wait but here is chapter two, i hope you like it!

Day #1

 my parents

never knew they

were raising a

killer. It's one

of those things

you're born


You can't just turn

it off. It comes

out when your head

is the ticking

time bomb that

finally explodes.

It feeds on you,

until you have no

substance left.

Your mind

feels limitless

yet your body feels

drenched in sin

and absolute vile.

You don't hold the reins.

You're just another victim

that's fallen prey to

it's device.

It took me years to

find this out, but

now I can truly say

that I am

finally awake.

This is my disease...~Him

Sky's POV

I wake up with a big yawn as I stretch the tiredness out of my weak limbs. I blink multiple times, but to my surprise…it is still dark, I am unable to see anything. I rub my eyes and blink again, still nothing.

I look around, my eyes stop on a glowing light; it is the color of amber when you burn wood with the delicate flames of fire.

What! Fire! I do not have a fireplace in my apartment. The only place that ive seen have a fireplace was…the cabin?!

‘Am I in the--’ my thoughts stop when a small light allows me to see my surroundings. I looked around and took every thing in.

Same black and bumpy walls, same old and torn furniture, same squeaky floor, same fireplace. I was in the cabin!

'How did I get here?!’ my thoughts race, and my eyes travel along the walls as I take every detail of my eerie surroundings. My eyes stop at the door.

A tall figure of a man--not bulky, but a skinny man--his face, that is what got me the most; his face was shinny porcelain white. His face was completely blank.

“Who are you?” I ask, my voice not lacking confidence but fear was the only thing that did not fall from my strong voice. The man stepped closer.

Until he was about of arms length, he held his face in his hand and pulled up slightly. He pulled up his face, no it was a mask.

A plain white mask that sparkled with a white, red, and orange glow from the dim light from the fire. It almost was hypnotizing.

His lips came to view and that was all that shown from the position of his lifted mask. His skin was a pale color with a hit of tan mixed in. His hair fell, untouched, in the tangled knots and uneven curls that fell at the top of his lifted mask.

His lips curled into a small smile as he got closer. He held my own face in his hands and was only an inch from my face. I was now trembling under his touch.

I turned top look away from him as he got closer. His soft warm lips brushed my ear as he whispered; “come and claim what is yours” with that he disappeared and I was left breathless.

It was as if someone held my lungs in there hands and they were slowly crushing them with the fear that shook the very marrow in my bones.

I fall helplessly on my back from my sitting perch on the warm wood floor, I shook with fear--it was more like an unexpected hit in the stomach--I was more afraid of what THAT man could have done to me…

Why did he resist?

Why didn’t he kill me?

I sit up and look to my lap, a small note-- it was torn and blood stained--it read; ‘phone’. I looked back up and I was back in my apartment.

The white ceiling and tan walls were somewhat calming. I glanced to my desk on the side of my bed and noticed…my phone was gone.

I sighed and got out of my bed. I pulled on some clothes and leaving my apartment, heading for the cabin.


I sighed again and walked calmly down the dirt path towards the old cabin. ‘I did not miss this place’ I thought as I pushed the door, it seemed to shake under my touch as the door slowly squeaked open.

I walked in the room, the fire was gone, it must of went out sometime in the night. I glanced around the room, nothing seemed to change…except a small grey table rested in the middle of the room.

My phone and a small piece of torn paper rested on it. I walked up to it and picked up my phone. I just looked at the note, all it said was ‘I’. Blood dripped from the letter.

I finally picked the paper up and quickly walked to my car, away from this awful place.


I returned home and placed the small paper on the table in front of my couch. ‘what is this for?’ I thought as I gently touched the bloody letter, it was dry now.

I gasped as I felt a strong pain in my side. I lifted up my sweatshirt and looked at my side.

A long cut, already covered with dry blood, ran from my stomach to my back. “W-what the” I was confused, why didn’t I see this before? I slowly got up and went to clean my wound in the bathroom.

I walked into the bathroom, grabbing a wash cloth and walking to the sink. I turned on the water and watched in fall as i slowly took of my sweatshirt, rolling up my 'call of duty zombies' T-shirt.

The water ran through my fingers as I hold the wash cloth in my hands. I pulled it out of the cool water and pressed it on my stomach.

“I wouldn’t do that…if I were you….” A deep voice entered my ears and I looked up. In the mirror I saw, standing behind me was….

 Cliff hanger! I hope you like this chapter and leave me comments on who you think is behind her. Anyway that’s it byee!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2013 ⏰

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