My take on things ;D

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I came up with this in Choir one day. Don't ask why 'cus i don't know.

Depression. It's a word many use, it's a word that many feel, it's a thing we all fear.

Life. It something we all try to love but many fail. It's a thing that no one truly understands.

Love and Hate. They usually go hand in hand and few people can distinguish the difference between the two.

Death. For some it's the end, others its the beginning. For some it means that the great adventure is over, others it means that there's a chance for happiness.Ll

Happiness.  For some it's a part of their every day life, others its the thing that mocks them. For some it's the thing they strive for others to feel.


if anyone want's me to say ant thing let me know via comment or private message.

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