Ally Carter! ‹3

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'"Oooh," Bex said, throwing an arm around my shoulders. "I want one."

"They're not puppies."

"Come on." She grabbed my hand."Let's go talk to them. They're really cute."'

-Cross my heart and hope to spy by ally carter.

I want one!!!!! ;D

'They really... exist?"

"Liz," I whispered back. "They're not unicorns." 

"No," bex said. "They're boys..."'

-Cross my heart and hope to spy.

Here I was hoping they were unicorns. Way to ruin my dreams Bex.

'I reminded myself that I'd promised my mothe I wouldn't break any more rules (and I'm pretty sure pushing visiting students down stairs is frowned upon).'

-Cross My heart and Hope to spy

pushing students down stairs is bad? well there goes my plans for monday. ;D kidding.

'I'm not sure how she did it, but Elizabeth Sutton, the smartest Gallagher Girl in perhaps the history of Gallagher Girls, managed to cut her chin with a paper clip.'

-Don't judge a girl my her cover

That's it Liz, stay ninja.

'Can I just say that it's really pretty hard to deal with boys who may want to...

A. Date you, or

B. Kill you, or 

C. Learn the origins of your freak like self-defense capiblities!'

-Don't judge a girl by her cover

You're telling me Cammie.

'"Hale, what are you doing here?"

"I thought you might need a ride." 

"The headmasters office called me a car." 

He shrugged, indeferent but amused. "And here I am in a Submarine."'

-Hiest Society

i'd like to be in that submarine. ;D

'Doesn't your family own a cell phone company?"

"ONly a little one." He held his fingers an inch apart to illistrate his point.'

-hiest society

Jeez Kat get it right

'"Why are you stealing cell phones? Doesn't Hale Industries own a cell phone company?" 

"Only a little one," Hale said, exasperated, then added to himself, "Why are girls always getting that wrong?" 

-Double Crossed

Omg! i ‹3 this book. Hale and Kat + Macey and Aunt Abby= awsome sauce

'"What are you doing next?"

Kat shrugged. "I might go to Rome. There's a Raphael there I kind of need to... acquire."

"That's funny." Macey laughed. "There's an ambassador's son there i kind of need to kidnap. Maybe we'll see eachother around."'

-Double Crossed

I wish, that would be amazing. i could see it, Kat and her crew sitting at a cafe drinking espresso and eating gelato when they see a group of kids running out of the american embasy and they just stop eating for a minute before shruggung and going back to eating gelato and sipping espresso. it cold happen.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2013 ⏰

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