Chapter 7. Carnival or no Carnival

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The next few days progressed as expected. Bucky continued helping you around the farm with all of the various chores. The check from shield came a few days later and to your surprise it was much more than you had expected. The amount would cover several things needed around the house and farm and still have almost half leftover. You decided that you would give Bucky the rest, because the man might actually have things he would want to buy. However, to give Bucky the money you would have to be talking to him, which was not happening at the moment. 

 He sat at the table when you cooked meals and would sit silently next to you to read at night. The lack of communication came from both sides. You didn't want to speak to him, afraid he would bring up the conversation between Steve and yourself. He didn't want to speak to you, afraid to set you off. Frustration was apparent from both sides. He noticed your cold stare out the window in the mornings, but didn't say anything. 

The problem occurred one morning when Bucky went out to get the mail one morning. You hadn't noticed he had even left the house. Sitting at the coffee table reading your novel, you flinched when the door slammed behind him. He entered staring at you, and threw a few papers onto your lap. You picked them up and looked back at him in confusion. 

"They were in the mailbox, the note on the back is for you." He said clearing his throat. He looked at you with questioning eyes as you quickly read the inscription on the back of the leaflet. On the front was a big bold picture of a colorful ferris wheel. 

Dear (Y/N),

You never responded to my message about the carnival this Saturday, I really hope you can find the time to come. People say you have a new house guest staying with you, bring him along too. Itll be fun.  

Sheriff Heath. 

You rolled your eyes and tossed the leaflet to the coffee table. You brought back your book to your lap and begun where you had left off. But your reading was interupted by Bucky clearing his throat again. You looked up at him and raised an eyebrow. 


"Are we going?" He asked, crossing his arms. Taken aback, you again set down your book. 

"I wasnt planning on it." You said honestly. "...Are you saying you would like to?" Bucky shrugged and walked over to the hallway. Before entering he looked back at you. 

"When was the last time you went to one of those events in your town (Y/N)?" He asked tentivly. You paused and thought about his question and opened your mouth but closed it several sevonds after. He nodded and looked at the floor. "I figured as much." 

"What exactly are you accusing me of?" You asked hotly, quickly becoming irritated with the conversation. Bucky shrugged again. 

"I was just saying it might be good for yo- I mean us, to get out." He suggested. "Ive been doing better, It might be good for me to get adjusted." He said quickly. You narrowed your eyes and looked back down at your book. Deciding to change the subject, you didnt choose to respond to anything about the carnival. 

"What do you want for dinner?" You asked not looking up at him. You heard Bucky scoff. 

"Whatever." He said before retiring to his room. With a huff you stood up and made your way to the kitchen, deciding to chop some vegetables angrily. Letting the knife sink into the carrot, you fougt internally about the carnival.

Selfishly, you didnt have any desire to spend time with the people of the town. You would rather eat crickets then attend a carnival with everyone you had grown up with. There was no appeal in it for you.

However, you knew that unfortunately Bucky needed the socializing. There was no chance of a full recovery if he never learned how to lay low in public. The carnival would be good for him, and you were fighting yourself on what to do.

Setting the roast in the oven, you plummeted down to rest on the couch. You picked up your book and began where you left off. But you couldnt find yourself focusing on the words in front of you. Your debate was still fresh in your mind and you couldnt shake off your thoughts. When you finally got up to take out the roast, you knew what you had to do, whether or not you liked it.

"Hey Bucky! Dinner!" You called out through the small house. Within seconds the super soldier had appeared at your side. His eyes searched yours curiously, wondering why you had decided to call for him this time. "I-uh made roast." You offered weakly, holding up the platter full of tender meat. He eyed it suspiciously, but reached over your head to grab plates wordlessly. He turned around to go set the table, and you brought the food to set in the centerpiece.

You both sat down silently and cut into your dinner. Bucky seemed to relax as the food entered his mouth.

"Good?" You asked nervously. Bucky nodded and swallowed.

"Great." He said tentively. You nodded and cut a sizable slice of your beef, before clearing your throat.

"I've been thinking about the carnival Buck, and maybe we should go." You admitted, not looking him in the eye. Bucky looked up from his plate with a surprised look.

"Really?" He asked hopefully. You nodded.

"It could be good for you." You said reaching for another piece of celery.

"Alright." He said, a small smile creeping up on his face. He continued to eat with you in silence, the tension melting away before your eyes. You finished your plate and took it to the sink. From behind you, Bucky's muscular arm reached to take your plate from you. He lightly pushed you away and began cleaning the dishes, a smirk plastered on his face. You rolled your eyes and chuckled. Before you headed to your room, you slipped out the remainder of the money from sheild and slipped it across the counter to Bucky. Suspicion crossed his face as he dried his hands and opened the envelope.

"Whats this for? Allowance?" He said with a small chuckle. You laughed and shook your head.

"The money they send me is more than enough to keep the farm running for a month, and I dont particulary have anything I'd like to buy, so i figured you might." His eyes widened slightly and you turned from him, a smile on your face. You were happy the tension between the two of you had ceased, but now you worried about the Carnival.

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