Chapter 10. The Break-In

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It was already one in the morning and you were still awake. Your mind was racing from the day you and Bucky had.

You were incredibly proud of him. The progress he had made in that day alone was tremendous. By the end of the day you felt as if you were just hanging out with a friend. Not a decades old super soldier who was your interim housemate. His sleeve flew off his arm several times throughout the day, letting the metal gleam in the hot sun. Few people even glanced at it, being used to the amount of prothstetics amongst the veterans in town. For the first time you actually felt like Bucky was becoming a normal man.

You couldn't get his smile out of your head. It made you smile just imagining it. You lay staring at your ceiling, beaming like a lunatic. You paused suddenly and your smile fell. You realized this might be the first time in a long time, that you were happy.

Then you heard the crash from the other side of the house.

You jumped up quicker than you should have been able to. The small shattering of glass had met your ears and it alarmed you. You grabbed the shotgun next to your bed and threw open the bedroom door. Hurrying out into the hallway.

The hallway was dark and cold, chilling your bare legs. Shadows swirled in front of your face, putting you on even more of an edge. The cold metal of the guns barrel vibrated in your hands, causing you to shiver. You passed by the numbers of photos and paintings on your walls, each piece of glass reflecting a small beam of light which made you flinch. As you approached the opening of the hallway to the living room, you quivered harder, your grip on your weapon tight and nervous.

Before you reached the living room, you felt a hand on your back, and an arm over your mouth.

Your brain immediately reacted and you tried to open your mouth to scream, but when your lips touched the cool metal on the arm you stopped. Slowly and quietly you were turned around to see Bucky holding you. He pressed a finger to his lips signaling you to stay quiet. His eyes were the most calm you had ever seen them. His feet moved quickly and yet they made no sound. You had never experienced someone with this much stealth. He delicately took the shotgun out of your shaking fingers and motioned for you to stand against the wall of the hallway. You nodded and pressed yourself against the plaster, straining to hear anything else.

Bucky moved in the living room and out of your view. Then there was silence around you, ominous enough to strike fear into your heart. It carries on just emough to make you want to run out there and check on Bucky. The silence was deafening, and suddenly it broke. However it wasnt with a scream or a gunshot, it was with  loud, deep toned laughing. You frowned and narrowed your eyes.

"Come out (Y/N), everything's alright." Bucky hollered back through the house. You walked out tentatively and burst out laughing as soon as you laid eyes on the culprit of your night misfortune.

Sammy stood at the edge of the kitchen, his fur covered in pumpkin filling. The remnants of your glass pie dish lay scattered across the kitchen floor. You had made a pumpkin pie for tomorrow nights desert, and apparently unwisely left it on the kitchen counter. Sammy had always loved pumpkin.

"Sammy!" You scolded while laughing. Bucky was covering his mouth as he stifled more laughter. He set the shotgun against the wall and reached forward to ruffled the delighted dog's fur.

"You scared the daylights out of us Buddy." He said with a smile. You chuckled and grabbed a broom from behind the fridge.

"Thank god it was just the idiot dog." You said with a shake of your head. "I hope you are happy." You said directed towards the canine. Bucky chuckled and took the broom from you.

"You go back to bed. I'll take care of the mess. I was already awake anyway." He said with a smile.

"Trouble sleeping?" You asked curiously. He shook his head.

"Nothing bad. Just too much excitement today I guess." He said with a shrug. You nodded in agreement.

"Alright. Well i'm gonna let Sammy out, will you let him back in before you go to bed?" Bucky nodded.

"Sure." He replied as he bent down to pick up the large chunks of glass. You walked towards the front door, your back to Bucky, when you stopped cold. The hair on the back of your neck stood straight, and your eyes bulged.

The front door was slightly open, and the lock was broken on the ground.

If you hadn't gone to let Sammy out you wouldn't have even noticed. You opened the door more and gasped when you realized the screen door had been cut open.

"Bucky!" You yelped. The broom slammed on the ground behind you and Bucky was next to you in seconds. He reached with his metal hand to touch the ripped screen. His face was as serious as the day he first came to stay with you.

"Go search the house, find out what was taken." He ordered. "Guess Sammy wasn't the only one sneaking around here tonight."

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