Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Rory's POV

The last time I saw the Doctor was a few hours ago. He's allowed Amy and I to quit our jobs by hacking ATM machines and earning tons of money to keep all of us living comfortably. Although I don't really approve, I can't say that I haven't been enjoying the break. It's been nice not having to work. Now I get to spend more time with my family, which includes a six year old Hope. I've been wondering if River and the Doctor will have any more kids, but one grandchild is enough for now.

Anyway, Amy and I were out shopping when River called us. She left a voicemail, although the only thing she said was her usual "Spoilers!" We finished our trip and headed home not long after. When Amy and I arrived with armfuls of groceries, we found River, the Doctor, and Hope all playing a board game on the living room floor. This was an adorable sight; however, it was an usual one. Usually we leave the house and come home to find the Doctor accidentally setting fire to the kitchen or unsuccessfully attempting to unclog the toilet.

"Grandma! Grandad!" Hope squealed as she rushed towards us energetically. I embraced her after setting down the enormous amount of bags I carried. "Hey, Hope! Are you having fun with mum and dad?" I asked. She smiled widely. "Lots of fun, Grandad!" I smiled as well. "That's great. We brought back loads of tasty food. Do you want to help me put it away?" Hope's eyes lit up with excitement. "Yes, yes, yes!" I chuckled as I allowed the little girl to help me.

After we were done, Hope and I joined the rest of the family in the living room. Amy was sitting on the couch while our daughter and son-in-law sat on the floor. I joined Amy, Hope joined her parents. At that moment, Amy was telling River about this random man we saw who wore a hideous shirt. Why she felt the need to tell Amy about this man, I had no idea. Perhaps it was a girl thing, I supposed. When they were finished talking, Hope blurted out, "I'm a big sister!"

Amy and I exchanged stunned glances and sudden 'wows'. The Doctor corrected his daughter gently. "You're going to be soon, Hope. Not yet." She smiled up at him in response. River explained that she was just about to tell us, but Hope shared the news before she was able to. Amy was the first one to speak after our initial shocked responses.
"Congratulations, Mels!" She cried as she hugged our daughter tightly. They laughed as they hugged, and I noticed the Doctor smiling over the pair of them.

"Congrats to you too, Doctor." I said as I smiled at him. There was an awkward pause where we were both unsure if we should embrace or not. Instead, we decided to high five. It was much better that way, we decided. The news did seem a little sudden to Amy and I, but we were supportive all the way. River and the Doctor were family, and we would always be there for them no matter what.


Time moved faster than any of us believed possible. A day became a week, the weeks became months, and the day had finally come for our second grandchild to be born. Amy and I couldn't wait to see the baby and especially how it would react with Hope. Our brains whirled with anticipation; River, however, was not quite as thrilled when she was in labor. Her screams could likely be heard in the surrounding galaxies.

Unfortunately for her, the pains were just as bad as the first time she gave birth, and I longed to take away the pain for her. There was only so much I could do to make childbirth pleasant, but I did as much as I could. Still, River's screams made all of us ache. Amy tried to help as well by reminding her that it would all be over soon. River could only shake her head due to the extreme discomfort she was feeling, which lasted quite a while.

Eventually, the screams subsided, eyes. They didn't last long, though. River tried to show as much strength as possible, even when enduring childbirth. "One more push!" I told her gently, yet loud enough to be heard. Mels gazed at me before taking a very deep breath and obeying my instructions. A cry was heard, but not from my daughter.

River and the Doctor's newborn baby girl let out a loud cry. River's deep breaths could be barely be heard over her bundled daughter's screeches, although she soon replaced her whines with silence. We all admired her as I allowed the Doctor to cut the umbilical cord before handing the baby over to her mum. River was finally clear of any torment, and she smiled brightly as she held her second child. There was a comfortable silence in the air; for the first time in a long time, everyone felt truly happy.

The moment lasted for a while. The joy in the atmosphere energized everyone, including the new baby. We were all so thankful and we couldn't help but stare at River and the Doctor's new child. She was so beautiful. Amy and I glanced at each other, and I soon noticed that our daughter and son-in-law were doing the same. All seemed right in the world. Although we knew trouble would find us eventually, our family was an unbreakable (yet sometimes unbearable) bond that couldn't broken, even by Kovarian.

"What should we name this one?" The Doctor asked his wife excitedly. River rolled her eyes and began, "If you're referring to our newborn daughter..." before trailing off. "Yes, yes, I'm talking about our newest daughter. What should we name her?" The Doctor exclaimed. River thought for a moment. "What do you think we should name her?" She asked her husband. The Doctor smiled slightly as he mentioned the name Susan. River smiled and added the name Jessica. Together they decided on Jessica Susan Pond, although both parents knew that their second daughter would be just as wonderful as their first, despite whatever name she possessed.

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