Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

River's POV

I opened my eyes very slowly to find them staring at the ceiling. Unsure of where I was, I glanced at whatever I was laying down on and what kind of room I was in. Suddenly, all the memories came rushing back. Kovarian, my parents, the Doctor, Jessica, and...

"Hope!" I cried as I sat up straight in the hospital-like bed I had been placed on. To my surprise, everyone was laying on the floor, even the Doctor. The bodies of my family surrounded me, and I was just about to scream when I saw it. Amy's hand twitched, just enough to show that she was alive. I gasped in surprise and happiness, I suppose. My heart rejoiced, and I began to run to the sides of each of my family members before discovering that-

Wait a minute. I glanced at my wrists and ankles to find that I was no longer bound to the bed. In the chaos of finding my family on the floor, I suppose I failed to notice this curious occurrence. Now I couldn't help but think who might've undone the bindings. My mind was wandering in a thousand different directions until I noticed Rory's leg twitch. Following my child-like instincts, I rushed to my parents' sides.

"Amy?" I muttered, then louder. Perhaps Kovarian had put them into a dream state rather than knocking them unconscious. By the way, where was Kovarian?. I looked around the room once more to see if I had overlooked her presence. Sure enough, Kovarian was watching me from a darkened corner of the room. Apparently I was so preoccupied with the sight of my loved ones that I failed to notice the presence of an enemy. My brain was missing things that I couldn't afford to miss. The fight wasn't over yet.

Just as I was about to confront Kovarian, however, my husband began to stir. I shuffled over to where he was on the floor then held his face in my hands. "Sweetie," I breathed in relief, smiling. His awakening made me feel comforted just knowing that I had him by my side. The Doctor's eyes fluttered open, and I waited patiently until he noticed me. When he did, he closed the distance between both of us by giving me a reassuring hug. It was just enough to help me get through whatever else we were about to face.

Once we broke apart from the hug, the Doctor noticed Amy muttering in her motionless state while I noticed Rory doing the same thing. We ran to their sides while Kovarian watched from the dark corner of the room. Immediately after Rory's revival, his face showed nothing but confusion. Although he asked no questions physically, I was sure he couldn't stop asking them in his head. I helped him up and gave him a hug. "River!" He exclaimed once he noticed me. Not long after, Amy came over to the both of us and murmured, "Thank God you're okay."

Once we were all conscious again, I made sure to locate the Doctor. At the moment, he was staring at Kovarian, who had yet to move out of the dark corner. I slowly made my way over to the Doctor. When I stood beside him, I gently slid my fingers down the palm of his hand until our hands were intertwined. He glanced at me with a smile before turning back to face Kovarian.

"Go ahead and say whatever you're going to say. Just get it over with, will you?" She requested with a roll of her eyes. I was about to angrily retort back when my husband beat me to it. "You've kidnapped our first child and turned her into a weapon, taken our second child for Gallifrey knows what, and poisoned all of us within the past twenty-four hours. All you want is for me to say whatever I have to say to you quickly?" The Doctor muttered furiously, his voice dangerously soft.

Kovarian watched the Doctor as if she were waiting for him to say more, but he didn't. Then she smiled. "You think I poisoned you?" Kovarian asked my husband, who rapidly replied, "Of course you did!" The psychopathic woman smiled again. "Why would you think that?" She wondered aloud. The Doctor's facial expression practically screamed of anger.

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