Ask #2

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Author J: *ahem* uhm...I was like 8 years old, and I loved to dress up!! I still do, but that one time I went a little over the line, and I dressed up as a witch! I had black clothes, black lipstick, nails, make-up, everything black! And I went out on the streets....trying to scare people....yupp....

Dark: you looked pretty good in black! *grins* but I once, almost drowned Mark, and after I stuffed his mouth full of marshmallows and chili was awesome....

Mark: *clears throat nervous* I-I have tons!! And TONS of weird things...uhh....

Wilford: *chuckles, yeah, mister Markiplier is just one, big, weird human being.

Dark: I once killed a squirrel in public....*grins devilish* people thought it was a prank *laughs maniacally*

Wilford: *disgusted* that's not weird...that's just....awful...

Dark: *deep, raspy voice* I know, right...?

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