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October 10th

Pensacola, FL

Onika "Nicki" Maraj

"Have a good day!", I yelled.

I watched the girls run into the school and made sure they were in before I pulled off. My phone started ringing and I answered.


"You might want to hurry up and come back to the house.", Na said. 

"What's up?"

"Chapo chewed up something very expensive."

"It is something of Meek's?"

"You could call it his."

"Alright. I'm on my way.", I said and hung up.


Walking in the house, I saw stuffing and Chapo ran up to me.

"What did you do?"

He ran put his tail in between his legs and put his head down. I walked in the living room and saw the stuffing from the couch.

"Oh damn. Meek is about to flip."

"Uh yeah.", Na said.

"Come on. Time for the crate."

He tried to get under the table but I grabbed his collar. I walked him to the crate and I put him in, locking him in.

"Meek is about to have a fit.", I said to myself.

"Speaking of Meek.", Na said.

"I am back!", We heard Meek yell."

"Oh god.", We both said.

We walked to the door and Meek was on the phone with bags and luggage in his hands.

"Hey baby.", Meek said.

He pecked my lips and I smiled. He started walking towards the kitchen but I pushed him towards the kitchen.

"What the hell. Let me call you back."

He hung up and turned around to look at me.

"What are you doing?"

"I want to show you the kitchen."

"But I want to relax in the living room. Where's Chapo?"

"In his crate.", Na said and he nodded.

He started walking to the crate and we followed behind him.

"Hey buddy. Did you miss me?"

Chapo looked at him and moved to the back of the crate.

"What's up with him? I thought he would be excited to see me."

"Maybe he's tired from running outside. You should go lay down and rest in your room.", Na said.

"Alright. I gotta get something first though."

"You get that then go lay down.", I said and he nodded.

Robert "Meek" Williams

I walked towards the stairs then turned around and went in the living room. I walked in and saw stuffing all over the place.

"What the hell! What happened to my couch?!"

I heard Na and Nicki run in and they pointed at the mess.

"So this is why you didn't want me to come in here?"

"Yeah.", Nicki said and I laughed.

I walked over to Chapo and let him out.

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