Chapter 7: You're Not Alone

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To clear things up for this chapter, Stiles is always in denial and this day makes him realizes a lot of stuff. So his emotions aren't just random, y'know?

Alright enjoy!


It's his mom's birthday today, September 13th. This is a hard day for the Stilinski's. Stiles and his dad stay in all day. Depending on the day of the week, this year it's Thursday, Papa Stilinski takes a day off from work, and Stiles takes a day off from school.

On this day they light his moms candles. Make her spicy parmesan spaghetti, the only thing Stiles cared to learn to make. They listen to her favorite songs, watch her favorite movies and look at old pictures. They share old memories, even though they were there or already heard it over the years. It's a tradition, like a shrine to her, that they do every year. They cry and laugh, this day is a roller coaster of emotions.

After the day is over, they clean up and head to bed around nine o' clock. Stiles is a little overwhelmed by everything. Stiles just needs to talk to somebody, and he hadn't talked to Scott all day. It's unusual, Scott is always there, especially on this day, to support and comfort him.

So, he calls Scott. After the third ring, he's sent to voicemail.

Stiles looks at his phone in disbelief.

'Did he really just hang up on me? He did!'

Moments later, his phone buzzes with a text message.

From Scott: busy with allison

Stiles can't believe Scott is blowing him off, and on this day! This is happening too much lately: Scott having his head up Allison's ass, leaving Stiles alone. He should have noticed this before, but Derek distracted him.

He wanted to vent out his emotions, sadness, just everything to his only best friend. Scott is on his way to losing the 'best' part.

Stiles get up out of bed, then dresses for outside. He goes to the kitchen and gets a bottle out of his dad's liquor cabinet. He grabs his keys, gets into his Jeep, and just drives. He doesn't really know where, until he's just outside of the forest.

He gets out of the Jeep and walks into the trees. It looks just like the part of the forest in his dreams. He stops and looks around, then continues. Right now, Stiles is questioning his sanity. He's walking through the woods at night, though he's not scared, he's comfortable even.

He walks until he reaches a clearing with a long log, and a trash bin. He gets matches out of his wallet, and lights the trash in the bin. He sits on the log with the whiskey bottle. He opens it and takes a long swig.


After he drinks half of the bottle, Stiles ends up laying on his back, on the forest floor. He looks up to the dark sky filled with stars and sighs.

" Hey, Mom... does it ever get better?" He slurs.

" Today jus' made me realize how much I miss ya'. Thought I was fine, but m'not." A tear trails from the corner of his eye, to his ear.

He hiccups. He's an hypocrite: he told Derek all that advice, yet here he is asking if it gets better.

" 'M jus' drownin' in emotions." He laughs dryly. " It's funny how I'm drownin' in whiskey. 'Nd I shouldn' be doin' this. Dad was like this: drinking his pain away. I don't wanna be like that."

Tears are falling relentlessly now.

" Scott's leaving me Ma', the one who was there through it all. Dad is never around. I'm all alone."

He hiccups, he's starting to sober, and the tears are starting to slow.

" Stiles." A low, husky voice call out.

" God?"

' It is true, that he comes right on time.' Stiles thinks.

Stiles hears a low, breathy chuckle.

" Stiles," there's a sigh. " what are you doing to yourself?"

Stiles sits up abruptly on his elbows, when the bottle is snatched out of his hand, it makes his head spin. He squints his eyes.

" Derek?" He lets out a relieved sigh. That could have been a serial killer for all he knew.

"You're not alone, Stiles." Derek says as he lays next to Stiles with a huff. They lay in silence for a while. Stiles can feel Derek's body heat, he can only hear their breaths and the creatures of the night. It's calming.

'This is what I need.' Stiles thinks. ' Not that bottle '

" Derek?"

" Hmm?"

" Does it ever get better?" Stiles ask.

" I don't know. I'd like to think it would." He answers.

"Me, too. I guess before it was worse."

" Yeah, I almost wanted to be like Peter."

" So, it does get better?" Stiles looks at Derek with hopeful eyes.

" Yeah, yeah it does. It's just taking a lot longer than I would like." Derek realizes.

Stiles giggles."I was supposed to be helping you, now it's the other way around"

Derek looks to Stiles with a questioning look. " What?"

" The day you came to our school, looking for Scott, I decided I would help you. Help you learn how to smile a real smile, not that fake one that you wore...Y'know, you have a nice smile. You have this cute under bite." Stiles giggles. He looks back up at the moon. He can feel Derek's gaze on the side of his face.

" Come on, Let's get you inside. It's cold." Derek says, while getting up.

Stiles tries to walk, but his legs wobble like Bambi's, though Bambi did better than him. He reaches out, and clings onto Derek's broad shoulders for support. He looks up to Derek with a blush on his face, embarrassed. He's not drunk enough to not have shame.

Derek decides it will be easier to carry Stiles. He bends down and picks him up, easily, bridal style.

The walk to Derek's house is short, and the whole time Stiles stares at the side of Derek's face.

They go into Derek's room, it's the first time Stiles has been here. Derek lays Stiles in the full sized bed, with a navy blue bed spread. He takes off Stiles shoes, sock and lastly his pants. He turns to leave, planning on sleeping on the couch.

" Wait!" Stiles calls out as Derek reaches the doorway. " Stay with me...please?"

Derek nods, and makes his way over to the bed. He settles under the covers, then pulls Stiles into his arms. Stiles lays his head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat, it's tempo strumming him to sleep.

Just as Stiles was about to go to sleep, he mumbles, " Thank you."

Derek stares at Stiles, runs his hand through his hair, then whispers: "No, thank you."

He's thanking him for being there, and making him smile. He's thanking him for what is to come.


I did 2 chapters in one day! You're welcome!( In Sadey's voice , if that's how you spell it, from Awkward )

Do comment, vote or whatever to get dedications and more chapters!

Umm... yeah, bye.

- Elizah♥

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