Chapter 15: Double Lives

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At this moment, Scott is rather grateful for his newly gained strength. Looking at Stiles and his skinny figure, you would think he wasn't that heavy... but looks can be pretty deceiving. Piggy back rides before the bite weren't easy, but as he is carrying Stiles off of the field, it's as easy as carrying a bag of potatoes. His muscles burn a little; because even though he is stronger, it doesn't mean he has muscular endurance.

He looks at Stiles' lax face and the confusion of what just happened reappear along with wary. Stiles' heartbeat is really slow, like he's on a depressant drug. If he couldn't hear the steady heartbeat, he would believe Stiles was dead- or close to it. Maybe he is, Scott isn't sure how he went unconscious and, even with his new abilities, he can't decipher if there are internal injuries. He feels utterly useless and afraid-- something he hasn't felt in a while. This makes him realize that he isn't invincible and in control as he felt. After the bite that's what he's been feeling, then add on Allison, and his ego had skyrocketed to the moon and back. Even though he feels like this, he still wishes he wasn't bitten. Look at what it's caused; his friendship is barely hanging by a thread. He's relieved that he and Stiles are back to friends, but it's all still fragile and he knows he's not totally forgiven. It makes him nervous, because he doesn't know what to do. He has sort of lost himself a bit in all of this, he feels out of his element. How can they go back to being StilesandScott, when Scott is not the same Scott anymore? Plus there is Derek... Scott angers at the thought.
He doesn't know why Stiles passed out,
what that thing was, why he apparently needs to go to Derek's... and most importantly to him, why was there fire coming from Stiles' hands?! Each question brings another, and he gets the feeling that if he would have been around he would know all of the answers to those questions. Or most of them anyway.

He huffs a little in relief as he approaches the dark school parking lot. Stiles' car is sitting along with those of the little dedicated staff members at school. To open the backseat door, he drops Stiles' lower half and it makes Stiles' knees buckle a little with the impact. Scott opens the door with shaky balance. He gets Stiles' limp limbs in the car with some difficulty. One of his arms rest on his chest, while the other hangs off the side of the seat. His knees are bent so he could fit and his head is turned a little awkwardly, but he looks fine. Scott fishes the keys out of Stiles' bag and sets of to drive to Derek's house.

Scott knows how to get to Derek's place. He knows from the night when he met Peter and the same night he first saw someone die and burn. He hates that place, it's unwillingly burned (hah, great choice of words) in his mind and he only let's himself think of it in his sleep. And the fact that the house looks like it's straight out of a horror film only multiplies his dislike for the place. Scott can't understand why Stiles sees that place as a safe haven or something like that. Scott's is at home, where his mom is, who is a nurse that can help Stiles. Why didn't Stiles ask to go there?

When he gets to Derek's, he leaves Stiles in the car to go to the door. The house is dark (he suspects there is no electricity) and he doesn't trust it or Derek. He barely makes it to the door before the door is yanked open, revealing a scowling and tensed shouldered Derek Hale.

"What are you doing here? You're a werewolf on my territory. Even though you're Stiles' friend, I still see that as a threat-" Derek questions, but suddenly stops as he steps out of the doorway onto the rickety porch. He inhales deeply, "Stiles is here?"

"He told me to bring him here- which I don't agree with. But he passed out fighting this thing, and I didn't know what to do! Do you know-" Scott starts accusingly.

"What? What thing? He passed out- why didn't you take him to Deaton's?!" Derek looks outraged, but Scott can see some concern in his eyes. Derek slides past him and stomps over to the Jeep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2015 ⏰

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