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They both sit there; avoiding each other's gaze. They are more like strangers than the soulmates they once were. Kellin Quinn pretends to be occupied on his phone as he waits for his boyfriend to speak up first. Vic Fuentes sighs in exasperation, and with a roll of his eyes he speaks, 


The other boys' eyes narrow as his face churns into a deep frown. "What? You don't even have enough time for me to even speak to you?" Kellin hisses.

Vic sighs loudly, wanting to get the point across that this is a waste of time. "You don't have to be so catty." he remarked.

It was as if he wants to get his boyfriend pissed on purpose. "Catty? Me? You're the one acting like an asshole!" Kellin exclaims.

"Kellin, get your head out of your ass and think about the way you talk to me." Vic spits out angrily.

Kellin's cheeks turns into a shade of frustrated red. "I fucking hate you." he whispers.

Vic doesn't even flinch. He is so used to these remarks that he just brushes them off. "I know." he replies. "How long has it been since I've last seen you? Six, seven months?"

"Not long enough. I wish your tours were longer." Kellin remarks snarkily.

"Fuck you." Vic replies.

"You wish I was." Kellin replies almost imediately and he instantly regrets it.

Vic straightens up and exclaims, "You've been sleeping with that Justin guy, haven't you?"

Kellin blushes, now angrier than ever and says, "So what? You've been sleeping around as well, you fucking hyprocrite."

"You fucking slut." Vic spits out. 

They both sit there in silence and luckily no one notices their fight. The tenseness in the air has a grip on Kellin's lungs and he is bursting to say something. Vic's eyes fall down to his fingers, to the promise ring that both boys were wearing. They've both worn the ring since their first year anniversary, when Vic had bought these rings from a gypsy at a market. 'Until the end' is inscribed on the ring and he starts to doubt whether the ring has been lying to them all this time. No matter how bad their fights are, they always end up back together through thick and thin during their lengthy eight year relationship. Vic is about to apologise when Kellin speaks up.

"Vic." he says, his voice so tense and stiffening. Vic looks up into the others eyes. He doesn't see his boyfriend. He see's somebody else. Fed up, tired, angry, sad. He wonders what it feels like to hold him in his arms. It's been that long. He instantly feels regret over his harsh words. Vic looks down at Kellin's hand. No ring. He looks at his other hand. No ring. Shock sweeps into his head and he wonders when Kellin had taken it off. When did he? This morning? Or the morning that Vic left for his tour?

"I'm not in love with you anymore. We're over."

They sit in the back of the busy cafe. Time has stopped for them. The busy chatter of other diners during early morning breakfast is muted. Kellin's lungs heave with relief, relieved that he had said what he had been meaning to say for a while now. He looks across the table at the stranger with nervous eyes.

Vic is speechless. He looks at the empty table before him, as if it is an interpreter of what Kellin was saying. Vic's busy lifesyle of being in a band has preoccupied his life, causing him to push out everyting he used to love. Friends and family. Kellin. He knew his relationship was on dangerous seas but he didn't realise that the boat had already crashed and burned down into the deep sea. Before he knows it, words fall out of his mouth. "Okay." 

Kellin awkwardly stands up and leaves the stranger. He hurries out the cafe without another word and without a falter in his step. Tears clouding Vic's eyes, he notices that Kellin had left something on the table. It is the watch that Vic had given him for their 7th year anniversy. He picks up the expensive gold watch and notices something. It had stopped ticking.



If I could collect the stars for you, I would. I would draw constellations in your lungs and you would breathe through your heart. My soul would be your mind and your mind would be mine. The stars are yearning for you but the sun is in the way.

As I trudge my way up stairs to my apartment floor, I open my phone. Notifications (35). Missed calls (21) : Jaime, Mike, Tony. Texts (14) Jaime, Mike. 

Jaime: ive been trying to call you but your phones off! i need to talk to you asap

Jaime: dude why have you gon awol? im coming home in like an hour

I open the last message which was sent five hours ago.

Jaime: Where are you?

I don't even bother to open the messages from my brother because they're probably the same. I arrive at the door that I haven't seen in a long time. My apartment door. Where I live with my closest friends. All seven of them. Mike, Tony, Jaime, Jenna, Alex, Jack and ... and Kellin.

Slowly I open the door, and why am I not surprised that it is unlocked. I can hear tense talking and arguing. As I make my way to the kitchen I can hear my name being thrown around a few times.

"Vic had it coming." I hear somebody say. My stomach tightens into knots.

I stand in the kitchen in my home where I have not been in for a long time. They finally notice me and their conversation ends. Jaime, Tony, Jenna and Alex are standing around the bench top table, surprised to see me.

"Vic... you okay?" Jaime asks me, concern in his voice. I don't answer. How did they know? Kellin probably told them...

"Where's everyone else?" I ask, trying to make my voice seem as normal as possible.

"Uhh, in the rooms." Tony tells me reluctantly. They all glance at each other worriedly as I made my way to my bedroom. Well, mine and Kellin's bedroom.

I can hear talking. Jack and Mike are speaking. "I know you guys can work it out." Mike pleads. There is muffled talking and I know that Kellin is in there. I push open the door to find Kellin packing his clothes and Mike and Jack standing beside him.

He see's me and ignores me. Mike and Jack leave the room, rubbing my back as they walk past. 

"Kellin." I begin, my voice unsteady and my mind in a heap.

He doesn't say anything, but continues to pack his clothes away.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said all those things to you, I'm so stupid." I say to him quietly. When he doesn't reply I add, "Please don't go."

He faces me, his eyes un emotional and glazed with seriousness. "Vic," he says, his voice unusually calm. "We weren't going to work out. It's for the best."

"That's not true." I say. He zips up his suitcase and heads for the door. "You'll come back."

He says nothing as he leaves the room

"I love you." I tell him, my voice hoarse and weak, in defeat. I wanted him to stop at my words, to turn around and race into my arms but no.

He doesn't reply.


Poor little man, place too many cheap bets. I held the alcohol in one hand. He wasn't coming back. This was it. This wasn't like any of our previous break ups. I didn't know how much he was valued until we broke up this morning. What a fool I had been; to lose a precious planet like he was. He was the moon and I'm the stars that won't shine.  

The galaxy has run it's course and it's time for the end. The moon is falling asleep and the stars are dying; killing themselves. Robbing themselves of oxygen, their ribs poking through their skin. It's only just begun.

Everything was turning dark, 


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