Chapter One

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Talia's Pov

"Talia lets go!" My older brother's voice rang through our house. "I'm coming Sergio! Just give me a second!"

I checked myself in the mirror one more time, before grabbing my purse and walking down the stairs to come face to face with my brother.

"Are you done?" He asked as he grabbed his car keys from the counter. I nodded my head, "yes! Let's go!" He rolled his eyes at my excited attitude, before he released a chuckle as we both got into one of his many cars.

We were heading to Gareth Bale's house for one of his many parties, you could say he was the 'life of the party.' Gareth was known to always throw amazing parties, and I couldn't agree more.

They had just won their last match against Bayern Munich, and Gareth felt like the best way to celebrate was to throw a party. Of course.

I knew there were going to be alcohol and things that take you to another land there, but Sergio doesn't allow me near those things. With him being 7 years older than me, he was very protective -I'm 18 by the way.

Not that I minded though, I wasn't really into those kind of stuff. The only reason I liked to go to Gareth's parties, was so I could make fun of all the drunk people there. I've been hit on a couple of times, and since they were Gareth's friends, they were attractive. However, I was a very loyal person, and I would never cheat on my boyfriend, who I loved dearly.

My boyfriend was 4 years older than I was, and he lived in another city. He in Barcelona, and I in Madrid. Though the distance, we manage to work through it, and I know that we're just going to be alright.

"Sese! Lia! Welcome!" Gareth's loud voice cut my thoughts off, and I could tell that he was just slightly tipsy. We walked in after Gareth hugged us both, before Sergio turned to me with a stern look on his face. Oh no, here goes the 'you're not allowed to have fun' talk. I liked to call it like that, because Sergio would go on listing things I shouldn't do while we're here.

"I know!" I cut him off before he could open his mouth, "I promise I won't do anything that could make me end up in jail!"

Sergio rolled his eyes, "okay, okay! I promise I won't drink or anything! I'll just sit by the couch, and maybe talk to some people yeah?"

He sighed but nodded his head, before pulling me into a hug and kissing my forehead. "I love you, be careful!" and with that, he was gone into the crowd.

I took my usual seat on the couch, and took out my phone and started scrolling through Instagram.

"Hey little Ramos!" I looked up to find none other than the famous James Rodriguez. "Why hello James!" I shot him a grin, before giving him a hug. "Why aren't you drunk yet?" I asked him, putting all my attention on him.

"What a nice way to start a conversation!" He chuckled while shaking his head, making me smile. They were all like my brothers, and I'm glad my brother has such amazing friends as those boys. "But to answer your question, I am not planning to drink today!"

"New Years resolution much?" I watched as he shook his head with a smile, "more of a lifetime resolution!" I gave him a small smile, waiting for him to continue. "I don't want to end up having a drinking problem, I mean I'm not like trying to completely stop or anything, but maybe just a few drinks here and then if you know what I mean. I don't want to end up drunk anymore."

"Well I think that's amazing James! So, since you decided to join the club," I wiggled my eyebrows, "it is now officially my job to entertain you for the night!"

"Well thank you Ms. Ramos! Though I would love to accept this offer, I would have to decline it! My apologies, but you're not very entertaining!"

"Alright that's just rude, offensive, and challenging at the same time! You are not leaving. You are staying, and you are going to be entertained wether you like it or not!"

Sergio Ramos' Little Sister (Neymar JR)Where stories live. Discover now