Chapter 2

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I get back to my house and drop my keys on the table. I quickly jog up the stairs and walk into my room. I still can't believe how much money my parents left me to live on for the first month here. They gave me an old three story house to remodel. My bedroom was first on my list. Its on the third floor and has a view over the ocean.

I absolutely love L.A. especially the view. I ended up getting a memory foam bed, two blue bean bag chairs, hardwood floor, a white circle rug, a glass stand, a small white table with blue covers, a white bed set with a few blue pillows, and a white vase.

I love it. It's literally my dream bedroom. Did I mention the walk in closet and the enormous bathroom. I flop down on my bed. Tonight's Friday. That means there is a party. I go to my closet and find a cute outfit. It consists of a blue tank top, black leggings, black high heels, a blue purse, a few bracelets, a necklace, and dangling ear rings.
                           My outfit for the party.

I take a shower, get dressed, do my make-up and curl my hair by seven

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I take a shower, get dressed, do my make-up and curl my hair by seven. I hear a knock at the door. I look outside and see Ryder's car. This will be fun.

I grab my phone and a case and jog downstairs and outside. I hop into the passenger seat and he speeds off. Tonight the party is at Hunter Jacobs house.

His parents went to Paris for a vacation and trusted him not to throw a party. Well, that didn't happen. Since Hunter is the bad boy of the school, he kind of has a reputation to up hold. Ryder opens the door and I instantly hear the music playing. Right now, Shawn Mendes's Treat You Better is playing.

I won't lie to you, I know he's just not right for you. You can tell me that I'm wrong, but I see it on your face when you say that he's the one that you want. And your spending all your time in this wrong situation and anytime you want it to stop.

I start singing along as Ryder runs to get some beer.

I know I can treat you better, than he can. And any girl like you deserves a, gentleman. Tell me why are we wasting time, on all your wasted crime. When you should be with me instead. I know I can treat you better, better than he can.

I'll stop time for you, the second you say you'd like me to. I just wanna give you the lovin' that your missing baby just to wake up with you. Well be everything I need and this could be so different, tell me what you want to do.

I feel tears on my face so I walk up the stairs just to bump into Hunter. I try to push past him but he grabs my arm and pulls me into his chest.

"What's wrong?" he asks. What would he care? He's just a player and he just wants me for his game. I try to yank my arm out of his grip but he ends up taking me into a room and locking the door.

He sits me on the bed. "Nothing, can I go now?" I reply when he sits down next to me.

"I seen what Ryder did to you at your locker. What was that about?" he asks with warm eyes. Girls say that if they don't want to sleep with him he talks about a problem. He gives them warm eyes so he can make a move.

"Nothing. And when does the bad boy care." I say standing up and trying to go to the door. He yet again grabs my arm but this time he grabs my cuts. I feel my eyes tear up as I feel them reopen.

"What the fuck? Why are you bleeding? Oh." He says and let's go of my arm and grabs the other. He turns them both over and wipes off the foundation.

He must have seen all the scars and bruises because he pulls me to where I'm sitting on his lap and holds my head on his shoulder.

"What did I do to deserve this?" I croak out. Crying softly onto his arm. He pulls me closer. My cuts on my stomach open." Owwwww!"I yell. He pushes me back a little and lifts my shirt up.

He sees the blood stained white wrap and my black lacy push up bra. He takes my shirt off for a better view and starts taking off the wrap. When its all off he sees all the cuts and bruises and scars from my three years of abuse.

The one that Ryder did to me earlier is bleeding bad. He wraps it up and runs his fingers through his hair. He helps put my shirt back on and storms to the door.

"Wait!" I scream." You can't tell anyone about this or I will possibly die. Please, just wait." I say.

"How can I not tell anyone? You'll die off I don't." He shoots back.

"I know. But it won't be by him." I say and walk away. Straight out the door. Ryder grabs me and shoves me into another room.

He grabs a knife from his pocket. He takes it and before I know it he has my shirt and wrap off and is cutting my stomach. He puts the wrap back on after applying salt. It burns like crazy.

"I warned you about the consequences and you didn't fucking listen. You fat,ugly,worthless, dumb slut. Next time you won't tell anyone." I lay their crying. After he leaves I wipe my eyes and put on my shirt before walking into the crowd.

I see Ryder with Hunter in his grasp in a dark corner and I run up to him and start hitting his back. I scream 'STOP' multiple times over. He finally drops him on the floor and spits on him.

"Never, and I mean never, touch my girlfriend ever again."he says to Hunter and grabs me tightly by my wrist and yanks me outside." That was all your fault. Remember that."he says before throwing me across the console.

We speed off and he constantly makes my head slam on the dashboard. He barely stops and pushes me out and speeds away.

I run into my house and throw up all my guts. I'm going to kill myself. I will do it tonight. I will not hold this pain in. I will die tonight. Goodbye world. Rot without me because of people like Ryder and Tasha.

Authors Note

I know that you don't really find books quickly so I will do the same goals as last time.

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Love you and hope we reach our goals.

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