Chapter 4

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I just got out of the shower. I wrap myself with my towel. I walk into my closet and grab some clothes. I decide on a peach tank top, shorts, a belt, sunglasses, a bag and cute sandals.

I decide on my favorite bikini that is blue with leopard print. Its strapless and hugs all the right curves.

I start playing the song Heathens by Twenty One Pilots. I put in headphones and walk out my back door. I'm greeted by my swimming pool.

I absolutely love it. I'll invite Hunter and he can invite some friends for a small party. He hasn't even seen the outside of my house yet. I call his number. After a few rings he answers.

"Hello?" He says and I can tell he just woke up.

"Sorry for waking you up but I'm having a party. Invite all your friends. Make sure they keep it on the down low. Do not, and I repeat, do not invite Ryder. Got it, good. I got the booze. Bye."I say.

"Umm bye I guess."he says. I start setting up speakers. I get all my valuables and hide them in the basement.

By three people start to show. I start playing songs. First up is Closer by The Chainsmokers feat. Halsey.

People start singing along and I go upstairs and grab my bathing suit. I throw it on and jog back downstairs. I go outside and dive into my swimming pool.

Someone yells how cool it is but its muffled. Before I know it a bunch of people have only their underwear on.

"Who's house is this anyway."some blonde chick asks." It is like amazing and I want to live here."she says.

"Its mine actually. I'm glad you liked it." I recognize the blonde and see that it is in fact Tasha." Yeah well get out of my pool you slut bag before you give everyone your STDs."I say.

Everyone says 'ooh' and 'burn'. She gives me a frustrated face and climbs out of the pool. To bad her string is hanging.

"Hey, hide your tampon string next time, no one wants to see that." I say.

Everyone laughs and she runs away and grabs her clothes. I see her drive away. She gives us the finger and we laugh even harder. "Well, let's get this party started!" I scream. This was gonna so help. I haven't been dead drunk in forever.

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After an hour and lots of drinks later, I am dancing on the dance floor with some guy that's name is Adam I think. We are in the middle of grinding when the door is slammed and everyone looks who is there. I about faint when I see its Ryder.

He scans the crowd and when he sees me his eyes narrow. I turn around to leave when Adam smashes his lips onto mine. He's cute so I kiss back I feel him smile and all of a sudden I'm against the coffee table. I look up to see Ryder beating the living hell out of Adam. My view is cut-off when people make their way in front of me. I feel myself being carried upstairs into my attic which is in my closet. I'm being layer down on the soft bed that's there.

I get up and walk to the mini fridge I keep in here. I end up grabbing a spoon, plain yogurt, fresh strawberries, a knife and a bag. I walk back to the bed. I start cutting off the tops of strawberries when I see the attic trap door wiggle. I quickly move the carpet and open the trapdoor there. I motion for Hunter to follow. He reluctantly does as asked and I move the carpet over the door and close it.

We are now in the walls of my house. I walk straight and take a right. There is a door at the end that leads into the cave of my pool. I open it and walk out. I quickly close the door and I jump in the pool. I swim to the surface to see Hunter jumping in. We swim to the side of my door and grab my keys.

We walk up to my baby and get in. I take this time to notice Hunter's super hot abs.  I start to drive down the road and remember that I'm drunk. Hunter ends up driving and we go to my spot.

I had to give him directions cause it takes forever to find. When we finally get close enough I tell him to stay with the car. I make multiple trails that Ryder will easily find. One leading to a lake, another to a clearing, and some other ones. After about ten minutes I come back.

"Okay, come on. Make sure not to leave a trace." I say and start to trudge my usual route. I frequently look behind me to make sure we left no trace and no one was behind us. I can feel the alcohol start to feel the alcohol leave my body.

After a good while, we finally make it to my spot. It is at a lake that has a blue waterfall. I jump into the water and start to swim towards the waterfall." Well aren't you coming?" I say looking at Hunter. He jumps in and swims over. I swim through the water coming down and see the cave. I grab my towel and wrap myself with it. I walk in and light all of the candles. I sit on the black and pink rug and lay back.

I feel myself dozing off. I am soon accompanied by the sweet taste of sleep.

Authors note!

I am so sorry that I forgot to update and I am surprised I've gotten this far. Vote, comment, share, and read. Goals are still the same.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2016 ⏰

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