Chapter Nine

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A/N: I'm back, fuckers.

I'm dedicating this story to KittenCake54 because she's been really excited about me updating this story for a while, and she's been motivating from the beginning, when it was really terrible (don't even deny it lol). So, thank you, my one true love ;).

Anyways, finally, onto the story!

Later that night at dinner, everyone could obviously see that something had happened between Thomas and Wheat. They were really tense towards each other, despite having talked about what Wheat had done wrong. Wheat was trying to make sure he didn't say anything else, and Thomas was trying to make sure Bagel wasn't still slightly terrified.

Suddenly, shit started going down, and none of them knew how a simple act such as coming out could result in something so, so astronomically terrible.

"I'm gay," said someone, very quickly, but everyone in the room still caught it.

It seemed like the room froze. It wasn't in a bad way, of course. That would be slightly hypocritical of some of the occupants of the room, anyway. It was more of a shocked-into-silence kind of thing, because everyone there had already admitted anything they felt needed to be shared, sexual orientations and gender identities included. Except Bagel, of course, because he still isn't educated on that stuff.

A quick look around the room to locate the source of the voice had everyone slightly confused.

It was Baguette.

She was looking down at the table with a look of shame on her face, her features ablaze with a blush. Everyone immediately felt empathy, because no one should be ashamed for being who they are.

Baguette looked like she was about to apologize, as if there was anything to apologize for.

Wheat stopped her, saying, "That's great. I'm glad you felt comfortable enough to tell us. We're here if you need to talk." Everyone else nodded, giving reassuring smiles, and continued on with eating their food, leaving Baguette in a stunned but so, so grateful silence.


Baguette was still shocked by the reaction she got. No one cared, or looked at her differently. She was treated exactly the same as before, which is what should happen with everyone, no matter who they are or what they identify as.

She honestly thought that no one was really paying attention to it, and had just gone on with their day. But what she didn't know was that someone had been thinking about it all day.

Baguette was startled by a quiet knock on her door. "Come in..." She said, slightly wary.

Her door opened slowly, revealing Bagel standing there with a blush on his face. He awkwardly stepped inside, closing the door, and quickly made his way over to her. He sat on the edge of her bed, and looked down at his hands. Baguette was confused.

"What's wrong?" She asked, sounding concerned.

Bagel hesitated. Did he really want to bring this up? It might ruin a pending friendship.

Fuck it.

"Did Wheat talk to you, too?" Bagel blurted out. He closed his eyes, waiting for an answer.

"Yes," Baguette whispered. "But it was Thomas." Bagel snorted.

"I bet he was nicer, then," Bagel said spitefully. Baguette sent him an apologetic look, and he sighed.

"Listen, Baguette, you're obviously very pretty, and now that you've come out, I really don't think I need to worry about it anymore. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry."

The Emotionally Unstable BaguetteWhere stories live. Discover now