how to clean this up

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~lillian pov ~

As I walk down the alley, I take off my blue sweater and apply pressure to the wond, I started to walk home, I trough away the mask in are garbage, But it fell out, I just left it, I went in side and ran to my room and locked the door

* knock knock*

Dez~ Lillian ?

Lillian ~ yes dez ?

Dez~ Can I come in?

Lillian~ no

I go under my bed and grave the first day kit and started to fish out the bullet, as I took it out I started to stich up the wond, I put some rubbing alcohol on it, I put a cotten cover and put med tape around it, and changed my clothes

*knock knock*

Lillian~ DEZ I SAID NO

I got up and open the door it was panki, she looked like crap, I went out of my room and closed the door,she stared at me and then hugged me

Panki~ lillian, Today was horrible, I-I I feel so bad, for someone I don't even know

Lillian~ what are you talking about?

Panki~ come to my room and will talk

~Josiah pov~

As me and my body guards walk around trying to find ms. Lilly we stumbled apone a house an garbage bin ways by it and, 

Ms. Lilly mask was on the ground, I think this is were she lives

a insane But Trained girlWhere stories live. Discover now