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Dana's POV

it's been 5 weeks since I moved in here. My job is same old. All I do is read, edit, add, read, edit, add. It pays well though. Jon and I have been all over each other lately. We aren't dating yet, but I really am into him. The night he came over, we kissed, talked, and kissed again. He was a gentleman and didn't move too fast. I offered him my bed to sleep in and I could sleep on the floor, but he loved the couches I had, so he slept on it. He left early in the morning because he had to work. We've went on 4 dates already. 2 at my place, 1 at his, and 1 at a fancy restaurant down on 1st avenue. We usually go out for coffee and tea most mornings when we aren't busy too early. We have a lunch break at the same time everyday, and sometimes he's kind enough to bring me some salad, or a hamburger he picked up walking to me. Some days I'd give him part of my lunch because he either forgot his, or thought he wasn't going to be hungry. Either way, I don't eat too much around the lunch break. They make it way too early, like around 11 am. I mean, that's when I eat breakfast during the weekends.

It's a Wednesday, and honestly, it's extra chilly outside. It's November, and all I could think about is how it could be 15 degrees in November. I wear a pair of tight jeans with a plain red sweater on top. I have a black winter jacket that I was saving for the snow, but this weather could kill me if I don't wear something cozy. I really don't dress too formal to work anymore. I used to over dress, but I'm stuck in a printing and editing room most of the day, so nobody really sees me until dusk.

As almost usual, I put on my Uggs and walk towards the coffee shop a few blocks away from me. It's much cheaper than the one across the street. I start down the hall towards the elevator, and when it opens, Noah is standing inside. He gives me the creeps. I put on my best smile and greet him.

"Morning Noah. How was your night?" I say.
"I got no sleep, unfortunately, but I'm here now so it's okay. You're here, and I couldn't be happier," what is with him? "Not that I only come to work for you, I--you know-- it's early and I-- you know what. Forget what I said. I'm just checking the halls for any trash before more people wake so they aren't disgusted."

He's so awkward.

"Okay, well, I'll see you later. Maybe you can come for tea if you have a free hour?" I offer. I have to be nice. I mean, he's always nice.

"That's a great idea. I actually leave work extra early today," he informs.
"Great. You can come up... say 8:00 or so?" I ask him for time preferences.
"Perfect. I get out 7:45. I'll just linger in the building till then," he says and walks past me. I catch the elevator door before it locks me up here for another 5 minutes, and helplessly press the 'close door' button dozens of times until the door is fully shut and sealed from any other harm. I don't feel like socializing today.

I get out and to my surprise, Jon was sitting on the couches waiting for me.

"Hey Jon!" I squeal. He turns and smiles when he sees me.
"Hey Dana, good morning," he says and hugs me. We kiss each other on the cheeks and small talk until we are ready to walk outside in the freezing weather.

We giggle and groan about stupid topics, but it immediately comes to a stop when the elevator bell rings and Noah comes strolling out. He is looking down at his feet, completely unaware of our presence. I grab Jon's hand quickly and attempt to walk out with him not noticing. Sometimes, things don't go as planned.

"Oh Jon. How are you?" Noah says. How the hell does he knows Jon's name?
"Noah hi," Jon says happily, but I know he's dying to leave as soon as possible.

They small talk about the weather for a solid 4 minutes before Noah gets a call and he tells him we need to go.

He walk out quickly.
"How does he know your name?" I ask. They never talk.
"Maybe when I asked him to give you flowers, I might've mentioned it?" He questioned himself. My heart immediately warmed up.
"You were gonna give me flowers?" I say holding my heart.
"I thought you got them?"
"No, I didn't get any."
"That bastard still had my money!" Jon exclaims and starts walking back to the building.
"No Jon it's okay. I'll give you money. It's alright. Fuck him off. He doesn't deserve your attention," I say.
He huffs and turns around.
"Okay but I don't need your money. I am just pissed he fucked me over," he whines.
"He can leave us alone. He's too much all of a sudden. I've only been here for a little more than a month and I'm already traumatized by him," we both laugh and continue our days.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2016 ⏰

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