A Secret Among Many

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Klaria's silvery-grey, fabric, knee high boots clicked on the pavers. She held her note book closely to her chest. 

"Hey Klaria!" A familiar voice called out behind her.

"Ah Rex. How are you?" A she smiled turning to face the tall, brown haired boy.

"Um great thanks. I found some things for our project. My dad had a heap in the garden shed." He replied quickly. Klaria found her self rolling her eyes at the typical-ness of him. He was always so strange around her. She walked into her classroom only to find a maths quiz on the desks. Other students moaned and groaned about how boring the quizzes always were. Klaria moved a strand of blonde hair from in front of her bright blue eyes. Some people would say her eyes were glowing and some would say they were neon. Not that Klaria ever beleived them. Her silver, knee length dress swirled around her as she turned to sit down. 

6 hours later...

The school bell rang loud and clear. The sound of scraping and the rustle of books could be heard as other students raced to get out the door. Klaria trotted out the door after dropping in her homework. She shuffled to her locker and put her stuff away. She headed home her stride strong and fast.

"Hey Mom I'm home." She called to the house. She entered the kitchen still waiting, but there was no reply.

"KLARIA! Oh my gosh. We have tal..." Her mothers voice cut off and she tumbled down the stairs a knife straight to her heart. Klaria gasped. She didn't run though. She stood in shock. Tears welled up in her eyes then she saw it. A creature as black as night, as sleek as a swimming fish. It came closer and Klaria realised it was a panther. It was snarling and growling a phrase.

"I smell it. I smell it. Oh I smell Time." It would growl moving towards Klaria. In fright Klaria picked up a knife off the kitchen bench and threw it cleanly at the panther. It landed straight in the middle of the panthers head. The panther fell to the floor limp and cold...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2016 ⏰

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