It All Began in the Lift...

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Clara May Delira had everything. An amazing job, fancy apartment and money to burn. But she was missing one important thing, Love. And even though men were practically throwing themselves at her feet, she was yet to find 'the one'. Join her in the 24 hours that changed her life forever.

Authors Note:

So this is a book I started writing a long time ago and never really thought of putting it up just like a lot of the other books I write. But before my brother left for London he was booking flights and he was using my laptop and he decided to snoop around my computer. Anyways to make a long story short, he read all my unpublished books and this was one of them. 

To be honest, I miss him a lot, and he is going to be gone for a long time. You know the way siblings always say they hate eachother and they wish the sibling would dissapear, well that was most certainly me and Dave even if we did have our good times too. But now that he is gone, Im really lonely all the time. So this is dedicated to Davey, Im taking his advice and going with it :)

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