You're gonna be fine

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Steven couldn't believe it.
They lied to him!
About the war,
About his mom,
about everything he thought was right!

Even though it happened half of an earth-year ago, he couldn't let go.
They were his family for more than 14 years, after all.
Maybe I can distract myself by eating some Cookie Cat...

*timeskip brought to you by fake Cookie Cat made by Jasper*

This wasn't such a good idea, Steven thought.
"What did you put in these things?!"
Peridot was freaking out and screaming at Jasper, pointing her floating fingers against the bigger gem's chest.
"It's not my fault. I was just following the instruction you gave me."
"Well you obviously did something wrong."
Jasper chuckled slightly.
"I can't do anything wrong. I'm the perfect Quartz. You said it yourself, remember?"
"I said you are the perfect Quartz soldier. That's different!"
As both of them continued to fight about who was wrong and who was right (which ended in Jasper destroying Peridot's left arm enhancer by the way) Lapis was sitting on Steven's bed giving him something called 'medizine'.
But after she realized it was not the tummy ache which made him feel bad- at least not mainly- she tried to cheer him up with a few cool water tricks.
But nothing.
He was still sad
"Steven? Is there something you want to tell me." ,Lapis asked softly, embracing him.
Steven's eyes began to water.
"I miss them." Tears streamed down his face as he clenched his tiny hands into the light fabric of Lapis clothes.
"I know it's hard, but you're gonna be fine."


Hey guys!
As you can see I decided to write a second part.
Also here a few facts since i'm not gonna write a third part:

-The Crystal Gems are bubbled in the Temple.

-Lapis, Peridot and Jasper live with Steven in Beach City.

-Yellow Diamond is on Homeworld but comes to visit Beach City sometimes.

-Greg didn't want to come out of his Van for about 3 weeks after he found out what happened.

And a fun fact: Connie freaked out after she met Yellow Diamond.

Well, that's it for now.
Read you soon, i guess.

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