Here we go again part 2

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They go to the ice cream parlor. Star orders a strawberry Oreo dipped sprinkles. Janna order cookies and cream.

Finnally get there ice cream and walk into the outdoor parlor and when they walk in all they see is Jackie and Marco being all mushy gushy around each other about to kiss

Star starts bawling and runs to the bathroom while Janna runs after her.

Marco thinks to himself "did I just see star and Janna running to the bathroom? Nah I'm imagining it" then he's sees star come out bawling. He runs after her

"Star what's wrong why are you here?" He says worried. "I came to eat ice cream and get my mind off of you and Jackie" she says rude "star I'm sorry but I can't help that my heart wants Jackie" he says "and I can't help my heart wants you! But obviously your just another fuck boy!!" She over exaggerates to much. "I'm.." He can't get the words out. Star and Janna runs out

When they get home. Star calms down as she watches gravity falls. Janna ask her why she says that. "Because it's true.." She says. "Star, Marco can't help how feels but there will break up and then you'll have your chance." She says trying to cheer her up "I guess your right I shouldn't have called him that in front of Jackie..." She says upset. "Nice to see you back to your original loser" she kids. "Shut up you devil haha" she kids as well.

They look at the clock. It 4:38 am. "Wow I'm not even tried" they both say as they laugh.

They fall asleep around 5:30 am.

Marco gets home around 6 am waking up star and Janna.

Well to be continued.

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