Chapter 3

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Since me and Hunter are mates, he offered to let me sleep in OUR room. I told him that I would since I would have to sooner or later. He led my parents to their room first, then he led my brother to his room, which was right beside our parents room. I told everyone goodnight before me and Hunter went to our room. I didn't bother to look around the room when we got there; I just went straight to bed.

I woke up the next morning to find Hunter's arms wrapped around my waist. I easily slip out of his grip. I get up and walk to the bathroom. I do my business and I wash my hands. I walk out of the bathroom and I see Hunter still sleeping. "Sofia, we should prank him!"  my wolf, Snow, giggled. I nodded my head.

I quietly open the bedroom door and I run down the stairs. I walked in the kitchen and I saw a short little blonde girl. "Hi." she said in a squeaky voice. "Hey, do you know where some big bowls and ice are?" I asked. She nodded and pointed at a cabinet. "There is some ice in the freezer." she said. "Thank you." I said as I started to fill a bowl with ice. I filled the bowl with water, then I slowly started walking up the stairs.

I finally reached mine and Hunter's room. I opened the door quietly. I softly closed the door behind me. I stood beside Hunter while he slept. He was so cute and peaceful.

I took one last look at him before I shouted, "HUNTER!" He shot up and I dumped the ice water on him. He growled, then he looked at me and stopped growling. Hunter grabbed me in a giant bear hug. "Hunter," I shouted, "you're all cold and wet!"

Hunter laughed and put me down. He walked into the bathroom and took a shower. When he walked in the bathroom, I realized that I only had a towel wrapped around my body. I rushed to the closest. When I opened the closet door, I saw a bunch of clothes that fit me perfectly. Then I started to wonder where the clothes came from, because I didn't bring any clothes. I put some blue jeans, a black t-shirt and a pair of converse on.

I sat on the bed while I waited for Hunter. When he walked out of the bathroom, he looked me over. "You look beautiful." He said. "Thank you, but I would like to know where the clothes came from." I said. Hunter chuckled and said, "I sent some of my pack members out last night to get you and your family some clothes." I nodded my head and waited for him to get dressed.

We walked downstairs to the kitchen. My family was already eating breakfast. "Good morning!" Everyone chimed. "Morning." Me and Hunter said. We sat down with everyone and started to eat breakfast. "Sofia, would you like to go for a run after breakfast?" Hunter asked me. I nodded my head as I ate my food. I thought that a nice run would be nice.

Everyone finished eating breakfast and went to the movies. Me and Hunter walked outside and into the woods. "We are going to run in our wolf form, okay?" he said. I nodded my head and transformed into my wolf. This is the first time we've seen each other in wolf form.

I sat on the ground as Hunter looked at me. I cocked my head to the side as if I was confused, which I was. "Sofia, you are beautiful. You have pure white fur and dark green eyes like the forest." Hunter said right before he transformed into his wolf form. Hunter is a jet black wolf with bright blue eyes like the sea.

Hunter took off running, and I bolted after him. He turned around to see if I was following, but when he looked forward again, he face-planted a giant oak tree. Me and Snow (my wolf) laughed so hard that we started to cry. Hunter gave us a mean look, but it made us laugh even harder since his nose was scrunched up.

I took off running further into the woods. I could hear Hunter's paws hit the ground as he scurried through the woods. It was starting to get dark by the time I reached a small, beautiful, and clear river. The river even had a small glistening waterfall. I sat down by the waterfall and waited for Hunter. I kinda left him in the dust, so it could be a little while before he gets here.

I saw a small cave behind the waterfall, so I decided to lay down inside of the cave. Hunter still hasn't made it to me. I was starting to wonder what had happened to him. As I slowly started to drift off to sleep inside the cave, I heard the sound of something drinking from the river. I opened my eyes and came upon a grey wolf. I just laid behind the waterfall and hoped that the wolf couldn't see me. I watched the wolf for a little while, then I see Hunter's wolf come walking out of the woods. He looked around as if he was looking for me, but then his eyes landed on the grey wolf. He strutted over there to the wolf and laid beside it. At this point I figured the wolf was a girl.

I was so confused as to why Hunter was laying with her. I was his mate, not her. Soon, I saw the girl transform into her human form. She was completely naked in front of Hunter. I could hear Snow growling softly. "Hush Snow! You don't want them to hear you!" I said. She nodded her head and we continued to watch Hunter and the girl.

It wasn't much longer after the girl transformed that Hunter transformed into his naked human form. He stayed right were he was, he didn't even bother going behind a tree so that way the girl couldn't see his naked body.

She leaned in close to Hunter's face. "Are we just going to let them make-out?!" Snow shouted. "I just want to see how far they will go before he remembers that I'm here now.." I said slowly. She just rolled her eyes. Hunter and the girl started getting intense. I refused to let them go any further than this. I slowly started to walk out from behind the waterfall. I started to growl which caused them to break apart.

"Babe, do you know who this is?!" the girl asked while hiding her naked body behind Hunter. "S-Sofia... I-I didn't know you were here..." Hunter stuttered. I just continued to growl and slowly move closer. "Sam, this is my mate..." Hunter said slowly. "YOUR WHAT?!" Sam, the girl hiding behind Hunter, shouted. "My mate..." Hunter sounded very upset.

I stopped walking when I was right in Hunter and Sam's faces. I growled and Sam jumped into Hunter's arms. That just pissed me off even more. I growled and grabbed a mouth full of her hair. She screamed bloody murder as I dragged her off into the woods. Hunter just stayed where he was, he was astonished.

I dragged Sam until we were far out of Hunter's sight. "L-listen Sofia... I had no clue that you were his mate! I am so sorry! Please don't hurt me!!!" She begged for my forgiveness. I just gave her an evil smile and I killed her with one bite to the neck. There was no screaming or anything, just silence.

I strutted back over to Hunter while dragging Sam's corpse behind me. His eyes got very very wide. "P-please don't kill me..." Hunter stuttered. Snow snickered and we galloped past him and into the woods. I could hear him running behind me shouting my name begging me to stop and let him explain. I just kept on galloping through the woods back to the pack house.

"What are you planning Sofia?" Snow asked me.


Hey, I am so sorry that I haven't updated in forever. Here is a super long chapter just for you guys. Originally this was supposed to be two separate chapters, but I just decided to make one really long chapter to make up for all the lost time.

Again I am deeply sorry for taking so long to update. Thank you guys for all of your love and support! I hope you enjoyed this long chapter! Please vote and comment! Let me know if you guys have any ideas for my next chapter!!!

Until Next Time....

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