Chapter 1

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     With a sharp gasp the small figure bolt up right in the darkness. Her head ached as did her joints from the memory of that fight. Her panting was labored as sweat dropped from her pale face. Her hands were clenched tightly on the blanket. Her heart thumped and pounded against her ribs and flesh, threatening to burst out of her chest at any moment.

     Her black eyes darted from one place to another as she soon recognized where she sat. Slowly she brought herself to calm her beating heart a bit slower. The ringing of the obnoxious alarm clock slowly came to a stop as she heavily raised her hand and pressed the off button. Heavily she took in a deep breath of the rose scented room as she drew her knees into her chest and buried her head into them.

     Her eyes closed shut as she felt the warm salty tears overflow and drip down. Quietly she sobbed into her knees as she hugged herself even tighter, her delicate nails sinking into her flesh slightly. Her small figure trembled and shook as she suppressed her urge to scream in anger. Then the smell of sweet blood filled the air around her. Without knowing it she had been biting on her lip this whole time, her fangs puncturing deep into her cherry colored lips. Even this pain was no match for how she was feeling right now!

     "How long will I have to continue to relive that night!?" she cursed at herself silently in the dark.

     She couldn't stop the tears from flowing down her face. It had been over 3 months since it happened. Originally they were supposed to go hunt a witch and take her soul. Nothing more and nothing else. But to their horror nothing went as planned as soon as they set foot into the woods. Everything went bad. Everything.

     'You stupid idiot! You should have protected Jess better!!' she mentally beat herself as she sobbed more into the sheets.

     Her hands clench tighter as her nails soon dug into her palms. Her bottomless eyes glanced up at the glistening blue gemmed and black ribbon bracelet. The bracelet that her best friend had made for her to carry around the pendant that her and her twin had. Out of the corner of her eye she saw it.

     Upon her white wooden desk, next to her black desktop monitor sat the enrollment paper. Shibusen Academy...

     Sniffling she mustered up the strength she needed to get herself up off her bed and walk towards it. Slowly and carefully she picked it up as she looked over the filled spaces she had written in. A smile smile tug at the ends of her lips as she remembered that day when her best friend got to her room and shoved the sheet in her face. That day she had promised they would start their training as meister and weapon to get to the very top and find her twin...

     Then something suddenly clicked. Her eyes widened slightly as she realized it. Shibusen! They have to know about the witch and have plenty more information on her. They have to!

     Quickly she turned towards the closet as she mumbled to herself, "I won't give up just yet, I'll bring you both back no matter what."

     Hesitantly she opened the closet door as she prepared herself and looked away from the mirror that hung from the door. It was still too early for her to look at the doodles, pictures, and decorations she still had on it from both her twin and her best friend. 'Come on Serena, now isn't the time for this! Suck it up!'

     She reached upwards, onto her tip toes as she pulled on the strap to a large purple suitcase and brought it down. Quickly she set it onto the bed and opened it wide as she returned to her closet once again. A flurry of clothes went flying from their hangers in no time. They all messily landed half way in or onto her bed as she swiftly continued onto her drawers, getting he rest of the clothes she would need.

     It didn't take her long to quickly finish gathering her clothes and fold them into her suitcase. Once done she set the luggage down next to the foot of her bed as she kneeled down to fetch her school backpack and skateboard. She set the board down on her mattress as she dumped everything out of her backpack and onto the bed sheets. The only thing she planned on storing in there were her laptop and a few chargers.

     In bright blue numbers her clock flashed it was already 6:30a.m. "Well just have to take a shower now and get dressed and leave then..." she whispered to herself as she made her way to the bathroom.

     Like usual she turned the warm water on as she slipped her pajamas off and jumped into the water. She stood there for what felt like hours as she let the water stream down her body and relax her muscles bit. As she looked down for a faint second she the white porcelain tub splashed with blood all over, but as soon as she blinked it was gone. She shook her head as she washed her hair in an instant and continued onto her body.


     She stood before the dresser's mirror, the only one she had that didn't have any more pictures of the two closest family and friends she had just lost. Her black jeans fit her perfectly well, if anything maybe a bit loose, but luckily she fixed that up with the silver belt she always loved wearing. Her red tank top clung to her body comfortably as she pulled the sleeves to her green sweater up elbows. The scar that ran down and around her right arm like a rose vine caused her to grimace as she remembered the details as to how she had obtained it. But quickly she pushed it out of her mind as she finished combing her long black and blue dyed tips hair.

     From the mirror she could see the blinking digits signaling her it was just a little past 7:38 a.m. It was a Saturday so her parents and younger siblings wouldn't be up yet. Not for the next 4-5 hours at least. As she tossed her backpack onto her shoulder and was about to grab the rest of her things and leave she turned around on her heel. Quickly she scribbled a note as she left the folded paper on her neatly and freshly made bed.

     With a sorrowful look she looked around her room and the rest of the house as she slowly descended from the stairs silently and exited the house unnoticed. She placed her skateboard down onto the paved sidewalk as she turned back once more.Tears threatened to escape her eyes once more as she quickly ran through all her fights, make ups, ups and downs she spent in the house with her family.

     "No, no more tears you idiot!" she whispered as she hopped on and skating away to her destination...



-Well sorry if the chapter might seem a bit boring right now but I promise the next one will have a bit more action in it! I just thought I'd give a little bit of some insight as to how Serena is and all. But like I said though, I promise the next one will have more action! So hope you enjoy and sorry for any spelling and errors XD 


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