The New Kid

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  Pete's POV: School sucks, I hate it here, I think to myself as I walk to my locker. Just then my friend Gerard walks up to me "Hey Pete" he says to me, "Hey G" Gerard smirks and says "have u seen the new kid in our English class? He's super hot" I shrug as the bell rang and Gerard and I both walked to English together. I see a new kid sitting at the desk, I'm untimely intrigued and sit next to him, "Hi" I say.

Patrick's POV: "Hi" he says, "H-Hi" I stutter out, just then the teacher stood up and said "class we have a new student, his name is Patrick, would any of u be so kind to show him around? Make him feel comfortable at Glenbrook?" "I will" a guy wearing a hoodie and eyeliner says. "Thank you Pete, welcome to Glenbrook south high school Patrick" the teacher says.

An hour later
Pete's POV: The bell rang "Hey Patrick do u need help finding your next class?" "Sure that'd be great" he says nervously. Awe he's so cute I think to myself, the walk is quiet and peaceful "what class do u have?" I ask him, he looks at his schedule "ummm.. Science"  he says nervously again "ok" I say as I guide him to the Science room. "
God this kid is so nervous it's so adorable. I smirk to myself.

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