Chapter 8

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Patrick's POV: I wake up next to Pete and am bored! I begin to kiss him, then his neck to wake it him up, he doesn't move, I frown and begin to bite his neck and jawline, I then get a muffled moan from him as he opens his eyes, "what are you doing?" He asks, "I'm horny" I laugh looking up at him, "but didn't we just do this last night?" He laughs from below me, "yeeesss, but I wanna do it again" I say and smile, straddling his waist kissing more, he rolls his eyes and finally gives in enjoying the pleasure.

Pete's POV: the alarm goes off signaling its time to get ready for school, "Patrick" I moan turning off the alarm, "Patrick" I yell trying to stop him, "yeah Petey?" He pants all sweaty, "As much as I really don't want to, we have to get ready for school" I say and roll my eyes, Patrick whines and gets off of me, I laugh as we both get up to get breakfast.

Patrick's POV: I walk in to school with Pete by my side, all eyes are on us, I whimper quietly suddenly self conscious, "it's okay baby" Pete whispers to me. The bell rings, Pete heads off to class as I go to my locker, Dallon comes up to me, "Hey loser" he says laughing, "what do you want?" I ask annoyed, "Oh nothing, we all saw you mackin on Pete yesterday" he laughs, my eyes go wide, "h-how?" I stutter out, "someone recorded it and posted it on YouTube, it's already got like a thousand views" he laughs again, I begin to feel tears in my eyes as Dallon punches me in the gut and walks away. I fall to the ground and cry, who the fuck would be at the school half past 5 yesterday? I think to myself crying more.

Pete's POV: The bell rings but my heat immediately stops when I walk out and see Patrick on the floor crying, "Patrick? PATRICK" I yell running over to him, "what happened?" I ask, anger in my eyes, "S-someone v-video t-taped us m-making o-out yesterday" he stutters out, clenching his stomach in pain, I immediately begin to feel more angry, but soften as I see Patrick try to get up, "no, no baby" I stop him, "who did this to you?" I ask even though I probably have an idea, "Dallon" he chokes out and begins to cry again, I fucking knew it! I think to myself pulling Patrick into a hug as he cries harder.
30 minutes later
As he starts to calm down I pick him up and take him to my place, fuck teachers, fuck this school, we finally get home and I take him up to my room and put him on the bed, thank god my moms not home yet, "P-Petey..?" He chokes out but I shush him playing with his hair, "Shh baby, everything is gonna be alright, I promise you" my eyes starting to tear up, "now try and get some sleep love" I say and kiss his forehead, "o-okay, I-I love you" he chokes out giving me a small smile, "I love you too Trick" I smile back as his eyes close.

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