The Voice With No Face <Lauren or Dani Cimorelli love story>

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(Lauren/Dani) Cimorelli's life changed because of an accident.  when she was 8 years old, (Lauren/Dani) fell out of a tree resulting with damage to the brain, leaving her blind.  now (Lauren/Dani)  is (15/13) and has mastered the other senses.  one day (Lauren/Dani) runs into somebody, a boy.  she makes it her goal to find this boy again, but its difficult because the only thing she knows about him is how he sounds.  

I know, I said I was never going to do a love story, but this is different.  It probably wont be the best since I don't like to write romantic stuff but I'm trying.  I wont start this story until the ones I'm working on right now are finished, but what do you think?

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