Dear Diary

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Dear Diary,

I saw him today. He was just so amazing. I cannot focus on the basketball game because I can't stop staring at him on the other side of the arena. He was seriously watching the game. Even though he was quite far from me, I can see his bright white teeth, those tantalizing eyes, his gorgeous smiles and the sexy frowns he make. I could tell that I adore every inch of him. He was tall, dark and super manly. All of a sudden, he looked in my way. I was shocked so I looked away immediately. Those eyes give me shiver running along my spine. The thought of him looking at me made me crack a smile. I tried to look at him again, then I saw him laughing with his friends. I don't know why. Then all of a sudden I realized, they were teasing him about his crush. Reality hit me, he wasn't looking at me. I was just assuming. He was actually looking at his crush settled few chairs away from me. I lost interest with the game. I cannot even look at him anymore. It hurts to stare at someone you adore, stare at someone he adores too. But what can I do? She was pretty and all. I, on the other hand, was just me. No comparison at all. Sometimes I wished I was her. I like him, a lot. But then, he likes somebody else a lot too. End of my fantasy. But then I think she was good enough for him, so I will be just happy for the both of them if ever. But despite of the fact that I stand no chance, I want him to know how I feel. But I don't want to tell him of course. I'm crazy, right diary? I think that's why they called it crush, because that is what exactly you would feel when they can't like you in return.

Hopelessly Admiring him,

I closed my diary as I finished writing my name. Anyway, my name is Kaila Dominguez. I am 16 and a not so typical girl. I am currently in grade 11 under the academic track, taking Humanities and Social Sciences. I am studying at Amsterdam University. Well, since you've read my diary entry, yeah I have this hopeless crush on someone I can't have. Why? Am I ugly? The answer is no. I don't agree that I am ugly, nobody is. We are our own kind of beautiful :) I am 5'4 in height, I have a fair skin, curly hair, round light brown eyes, not so straight nosed, with pouty lips. Not too bad for appearance I might say. I was kind of smart too, at least my teachers said that. Him? He was the definition for perfection. His name is Aiken Green. Girls drool over him. He was kind, smart and gorgeous. He is a varsity player in our school. He doesn't need to try hard, he was just amazing that he can stand out without doing a single thing. How I wish he was mine, because my heart is already his.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2016 ⏰

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