Chapter 3

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Hi everyone! I hope you enjoy this chapter! Let's go :)

Coming home used to be my favorite part of the day, but lately not so much.

Normally I would come home and go do my homework and read, eat dinner with my dad and mom, and then go to bed.

Now it seemed like everytime I came home my parents would bombard me with questions like:

"Why are you late? You are always here at 3 sharp and now it's 3:10"

"We need to talk, there's some more information we found about the surgery, maybe it'll change your mind?"

"Why do you insist on not speaking for the rest of your life?"

"Don't you care about your future?"

That seems to be the biggest question: did I care about my future?

Honestly I was just trying to survive day to day life, I didn't really consider how life would be after school.

I shook my head, walking past them as they filled my ears with 20 questions.

If I heard one more fact about this surgery I may just get a surgery to remove my ears.

Just one more wrong thing about me in their eyes.

I think that's what bothered me the most, feeling like a burden.

I'm pretty sure my parents did picture having a normal kid that talked and laughed and was social.

That just wasn't me.

It sucked that my mother couldn't have any kids after me. They had started very late and she had experienced a lot of fertility problems.

So it was just me, and I knew they had big expectations because of that.

I fell onto my bed, letting the plush covers surround me, wishing I was on a cloud in the sky instead of down here.

A muffled buzzing caught my attention as my arm reached out instinctively to find it.

Grasping the cold phone in my hand, I brought it up, squinting my eyes to read "3 messages".

"Hey it's Ariel."

"I know you're probably really busy, but I need a friend."

"Not that I'm expecting you to.... Meet me at Joyner Park at 5, if you want to."

Indecisiveness, biggest pet peeve. It was either you wanna hang out or you don't.

Most people decline when you give them the option, that's why you have to be confident with plans.

The clock on the phone read 4:30, a sigh left my lips easily.

Of course I wouldn't stand her up, she needed someone to listen and well..... Let's just say I'm good at that.

I knew Ariel didn't have a car though, and the thought of Hunter dropping his sister off made me feel uneasy.

After today in the library I was kinda scared that he now knew who I was.

I'm not going to lie, he intrigued me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2016 ⏰

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