How You Dance Together || GIF Preference

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Steve Rogers:  

Steve is very much so old school.  He will put on an old record with a slow mellow tune, tied together with some melodic saxophone, and ask for your hand.  He would lead you to the middle of the living room and slowly sway to the music. 

Sam Wilson:  

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Sam Wilson:  

Sam is very much so the showman.  He enjoys showing off his keen dancing skills, but of course, anything to impress you.  

Thor Odinson:

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Thor Odinson:

Thor is a very slow dancer.  His mother had taught him to dance at a very young age, but of course, Thor was more interested in learning to fight.  Every time he hears a soft tune on the radio and immediately thinks of you.  You are no ball room dancer yourself, but you never pass up a slow waltz with him whenever he asks.

  You are no ball room dancer yourself, but you never pass up a slow waltz with him whenever he asks

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James 'Bucky' Barnes:

Bucky Barnes' one weakness is dancing.  The small fragments of memories he can recall of his younger years almost always include a dance of some sort.  Bucky isn't one to listen to the hits on the radio but rather old Swing records he scavenged from a small pawn shop.  As soon as a song he loves comes on he will take your hand and start dancing.  He enjoys teaches you how to dance step-by-step, and he loves to see your face light up when you master the moves.  He never dances in one place, but rather manages to move the two of you around the entire living room with ease.

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