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Tell me, two wheels are better

than three or one, or four.

A humble pair is greater than any more,

for neither fear another's usurpation

and balance in steady cooperation.

Oh, what a relief it was

to finally remove our training wheels.

Friends are great for holding us up

but eventually we can hold ourselves.

But I'll hold you tight and I'll go slow

as we learn to work together.

It turns out: haste makes this easier;

but quicken too much and we'll flounder,

and fall-

                  -and I know its tiring sometimes

to keep at the pedals for miles and

years an even pace. Sometimes-

we racket and rage upon the rocks

in the road but is it the fault of the wheels

when the hills are rolling and neither

front nor rear knows

which way they are going?

So let's keep our balance on this

bicycle, you and I, and take our

lows fast and our highs slow

and together we ride with

the breezes of life: whistling by.

BicycleOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant