Bad dreams and a new physique

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James walks the halls of his tri-level home trying to remember what he was doing. Suddenly the scene changes revealing a forest fire and several burning corpses.
"You could've saved us," the corpses breath over and over creating an endless loop.
"No I couldn't," James yells terrified.
They slow get up and march towards him.
"You could've have told them to stop playing with the fire that burned down our camp," they say reaching out to him, "you should've burned with us."
They all grab James and he catches on fire.

James sits up screaming in his bed. He looks around his room and calms down seeing that it was just a dream.
Even with knowing that his dream would terrify him it was still too much.
He checks the clock on the top left of his virtual display.
Seeing that his alarm would go off in eleven minutes he decides to get up now.
Throwing off his covers and standing up he walks over to his closet. He reaches down to the door knob and stops.
Was the door knob always that low? James thinks to himself.
Turning the knob and opening the door  he grabs pants and puts them on. Trying to fit his legs into the pants was now impossible. Turning on the light he realized he was over a foot taller and far more muscular.
He opens his equipment icon and sets new clothing sets for everyday purposes.
Tapping the equip icon releases a blue energy that turns into his clothes. Black pants, shirt, socks, shoes, and black rivet jacket now cover James.
He walks out of his room and eats breakfast.
"Whoa James, are you on steroids?" His sister asks.
"No, I've been working out," he casually answers.
James isn't lying but he isn't telling the whole truth because he actually spent 9 months inside his inner world learning martial arts and tactical skills for his weapons and gear. But how it could've affected his body may be the message he received before leaving the inner world.

For the knowledge and skills you now possess, your body may undergo changes to make the training applicable.

James finishes breakfast and heads outside. He walks to the street and generates a black motorcycle and black helmet.
He rides the motorcycle to school and everybody is awestruck waiting to see who the cool guy on the motorcycle is.
James climbs off the bike and nearby students take in a breath as he removes his helmet.
Their gasp of surprise is evidence of the fact they were not expecting James to be under the helmet. Despite his reclusive nature James was still known around the school as an open minded nice guy. But now he was giving off a tough guy vibe.
"Whoa, James I didn't even recognize you," a voice states behind him.
"Hey, Ben," James replies, "I'll explain later."
Ben was James only friend since he moved to this school.
James places his helmet on the bike and heads inside the school.

The entity that had taken an interest in James floated in his plane of emptiness and watched all of the worlds it had created. It normally didn't interfere with worlds, simply watching over and over as worlds followed the same path again and again.
The entity saw himself in James. The bored expression and reclusive nature. They could be related. That of course is absurd, due to the fact the entity was gender less and far too removed from all of existence.
Don't disappoint me James, keep me entertained. The entity thinks to itself.
The entity sighs as he swipes his right hand. The dying world suddenly restarts. Bored he once again returns most of his attention to James world.

James walks out of his school. He was satisfied with his exploit but he wished he didn't have to come back. All his grades were now 100 percent but he still had to come back again tomorrow.
"So about that explanation," ben says leaning on James motorcycle.
"Here take this," James replies handing Ben a hands free call system.
Ben cautiously takes the device. despite its camouflage the device was a outside neural interface.
James watches Ben's surprise as he launched the virtual system. Waiting for the calibration James prepares a audio call.
Ben cautiously taps the call icon. And once again has a massive look of surprise as he hears James voice with his lips unmoving.
"Ben I can save everyone and I need your help to do it," James thinks to Ben.
"What are you talking about and how did you get this tech," Ben replies.
James walks over to the motorcycle and puts on his helmet.
"We should continue this back at my place," James tells Ben, "I can't sit around here and have us stare at each other while I explain myself."
"Alright, see you later," Ben says ending the audio call.
James gets on his motorcycle and drives away.
"I need more people to complete my team before my plan can be put into effect," James thinks to himself, "but I can proceed with the preparations."


The man sat behind his desk and rested his right hand on his proposed plan. He needed this plan to work or his employers would have him killed like the previous ones.
He picks up the stack of papers and throws it away.
"Conventional means are now out the window, this world will collapse," he thinks to himself.
Standing up he walks over to his wall and enters a code.
Behind the opening wall, a blue light covers the man as he grins.

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