The first battle

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James opens the door to his house and enters. His mom and sister sit in front of the tv in shock. The news is displaying a situation at the White House as armed forces battle two people, a giant lizard and the corpses of their comrades.
"James can you believe this," his mom asks.
"I gotta go," James answers as he runs back out the door.
James opens his inner world and generates a vehicle.
The personnel spacecraft from James favorite game. appears in the street, the bay door open. He rushes inside and begins to take off when black SUVs begin pulling onto his street.
"Their response time was fast, considering a strange vehicle appeared suddenly," James thinks to him self.
The engines roar as he accelerates the pelican straight up. Breaking through the atmosphere he turns the pelican and re-enters above Washington, D.C.


Ares stiffens in his chair as he yells, "it's begun in Washington, at the White House."
The Olympians all stop what their doing and look at ares.
"Where is Athena?" Zeus demands.
"Still with the oracle," Hera replies.
"We shouldn't intervene until we truly know what is happening," Poseidon states.
Looking at his brother Zeus nods, "I agree."
The Olympians all stand there in silence.


Gabriel appears in a flash of light, temporarily blinding Michael.
"Brother the human I was following is now heading towards the fight in Washington," Gabriel says, "he generated a ship out of nothing and flew it out the the atmosphere like a rocket."
"There's more to this human than we can see," Michael replies.
Michael turns back to the fight in the human realm.
"Let's see what he does when he gets there," Michael says distractedly.
"I'm very curious now," Gabriel says.


The occult research club began their daily activities like normal. Everyone gathered in the vicinity of the two couches in the center of the room.
"Okay guys were gonna go over the contract numbers for the week," rias Gremory begins.
Rias along with her club subordinates are Devils of the gremory household.
"Yes president," the club answers in unison.
"Kiba has 12........." Rias begins before she's interrupted.
The door opens and Sona Sitri walks in.
"Yes sona," rias says.
"You need to see the news," she says preparing a magic circle to open a direct link to the human television network.
The image appears and shows a group of three attacking the White House in the United States. The people they kill stand back up and fight with them.
The once green lawn is now a bloody battleground. Helicopters circle the building firing on the attackers and the defenders fire everywhere they can. Rockets streak back and forth.
"My god," rias begins, "this is horrible."
"Who are they," issei asks.
They continue to watch the carnage unfold.
"Wait look," koneko says pointing to the top of the screen.
A ball of fire is descending word the battle. The flames slowly disappear revealing a flying vehicle.
"That must of just come through the atmosphere," kiba states.
The vehicle slows down and suddenly disappears. A person is now falling from where the vehicle was. As he gets closer you can see he's wearing armor.
"I've seen that armor before," issei says in disbelief, "it's from that game about super soldiers thats popular in America."
The person engages thrusters that come out of the back of the armor and lands on the ground creating a shock wave that knocks down the enemy attackers. All but the main three.


James keeps the ship in control as it re-enters the atmosphere. Just as the flames disperse he can see the battle field. Three main targets and fifty or so grunts. But what really catches his eye is the fact the girls staff is resurrecting the dead defenders. Rockets streak back and forth with countless bullets. The guy with a large sword seems to disappear and reappear cutting down men. The lizard fires beams of energy in the form of a slash with his battle axe.
James un-equips the ship and equips mjnolnir armor. The armor is a variant capable of working in any environment . His weapon set is a SMG and magnum handgun with three hundred rounds for the automatic, forty-eight rounds for the handgun. He also equips a magic CAD and sets s magic sequences to freeze all the ammo of the attackers. The CAD is voice activated inside his helmet.
James deploys the thrusters on his back to cut most of his momentum.
He smashes into the ground creating a shock wave that knocks down all the attackers save the three leaders.
The secret service hold their fire to see what the new person will do.
The grunts get back up.
"Freeze," James says.
The guns of the attackers suddenly get really cold and a quick ammo check reveals that the bullets are cracked and falling apart due to the sudden drop in temperature.
"Who are you," the man with a sword asks as he appears thirty feet in front of  James.
"I could ask the same of you," James replies as he arms himself with his SMG in his right hand, magnum in the other.
"Sssssssssssoldiersssssss ssssent to kill thissssss countriessssss leader," the lizard says.
James clicks off his safety and replies, "that doesn't tell me much, except that you guys are the low level grunts of your organization."
The girl says something inaudible and swords generate in the hands of the walking corpses.
The lizard charges and swings his axe releasing an energy attack.
James sprints forwards and slides under the energy as he engages his thrusters. Firing both guns he drops the closest grunts with head shots.
The lizard attacks again with a downward strike.
James sidesteps and is now in close range with the lizard. Dropping both guns he slams fist after fist into the creatures ribs, shattering them.
The lizard tries to defend itself after coughing up its green blood. Swinging its axe at James it lets out a blood curdling roar.
James ducks under his blade and engages his thruster to get behind the lizard. He spins around and jumps on its shoulders, head between his legs. James spares no hesitation in roughly shoving the lizards head to its left.
A loud crack and a final squeal signify the lizards death.
Jumping off James equips a Japanese katana and watches the lizards body fall over. He picks up its battle axe and places its data in his storage then discards it.
Every person watching the fight gasps as their jaws drop to the floor. They had watched the secret service get their butts handed to them. Then this mysterious fighter appears and kills the attackers like nothing.
"You know in his culture you just disgraced him more than any other form of disgrace," the man in the metal mask states, "by discarding his weapon after defeating him."
"I only needed its data and I can remake it at will," James replies positioning him self for a fight.
James clicks a new armor set in his storage.
A flash of blue light covers James without revealing his face. The light fades revealing a new armor set.
James now wears the a special armor. A samurai themed mjnolnir mark IV armor. The only thing it's missing is the thrusters on the back but it makes up in maneuverability for sword fighting.
"You change weapons too often," the swordsman asks, "you surely couldn't have master them all.
"We'll see," James replies.
James charges the swordsman.


Athena took a different form than normal. She was now smaller and had short silver hair, a small beanie for a hat, and a striped school girl outfit.
She walks into the Japan branch office of magicians to have the meeting she had requested with godou. Her father could wait because she felt she needed to warn her crush first.
After all he had eliminated her evil mother that resides within her. Allowing her to be free.
For a goddess to be in truly in love with a mortal was preposterous, and yet the thought of godou makes her heart flutter.
Athena had many children with plenty of men. But they were technically born out her thought.
Athena arrives in a conference room and her heart does backflips when she sees godou.
Godou looks away from the battle on the tv to notice her arrival. His Knights give her a glance of distrust before resting their hands on their swords.
"Good to see you godou," Athena says.
"You too Athena," godou replies.
The fight on the tv has reached a standstill as the mysterious fighter switches armor and prepares for another fight.
"This guy is crazy powerful," godou says.
"He's well trained," erica adds.
"Do you think he slew a god," the silver haired beauty on godou's other side asks.
Athena tilts her head as she analyzes the two combatants.
"I don't think he killed a god....." Athena says, "but he is backed by someone powerful."
"I came to warn you about a war but I guess it's already happening," Athena says, "I have to get back now so, see ya later godou."
Athena vanishes in a blinding flash of light.
"I hope this ends soon," godou says watching the tv once again.


Percy stares at the television as the fight rages on. Annabeth holds onto his arm.
The battle in Washington, D.C. Has now reached a standstill as the mysterious hero changes gear and weapons.
"Do you think we might have to get involved," annabeth says.
"Only if it involves the Greek gods," Percy says.
As if on cue a nearby cup of water begins to gurgle.
"Percy....." A hoarse voice sounds from the glass of water on the counter behind him, "the gods are requesting your presence."
"Poseidon," Percy says turning around.
"What was that," annabeth says grabbing Percy's attention.
"I have a summons it would seem," he says getting up, "I'm heading to Olympus."
Annabeth gets a pouty face, "we're supposed to be on vacation."
Percy sighs, "I know but that will have repercussions and I have the feeling it's only the beginning."
Percy points to the tv.
Annabeth sighs and grabs a few things before she and Percy walk out the door and begin floating to the surface of the Pacific Ocean.

Hey guys this is de4dlyw0lf, I got a tip from a friend that I should start leaving notes at the end of chapters. I'll explain a few things and answer questions. Thanks for reading!

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