Tattoos #2

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- "just making sure the '💋' mark on my cheek wasn't from the cab driver😉"

You weren't even going to lie to yourself - you were a pussy. This scared you a little, you thought she was going to think you came off too strong. I mean, she seemed to be acting like it was fine. But maybe that was so you'd admit you kissed her? You decide to make up an excuse. If you are going to kiss her you want it to be real and well, you want her to be conscious.

- "Oh, sorry to drop the news but it wasn't the cab driver😐 Kylie borrowed my lipstick towards the end of the night, she she kissed you goodbye when she got out the cab"

You felt bad that you had just blatantly lied to Kendall, but you couldn't afford to screw up this early on. There was something about this girl, something that made you want to get to know her well before jumping to a romantic side of things. Besides, is she even gay? You fucking hope so. Kylie said you were her type, and your a girl. So girls must be her type.

- "Oh.. okay😏" she replied.

Was that disappointment? You guys texted for a few hours, just catching her up on the parts of the evening she couldn't remember.
It was around 6:30 in the evening when you received a text from Kylie:

- "Hey Y/N, just saying I think we should all go out for dinner tommorrow night, do you want to come? Its not a fancy thing, just a few us of grabbing some food. It's optional whether you want to bring your camera, I don't mind if you take photos or not x"

This sounded like a cool thing to do, but there was only one thing you were wandering.

- "Yeah sounds good, I'll be there. So who's going?x" you replied.

- "Yes Y/N, Kendall will be there😉x"

This girl could read you like a book, even through text. She knew exactly what you were thinking and she was going to help a great deal in seeing Kendall more often that you usually would. But you were still in denial to her, because if you admitted it you know she'd go crazy. And you want to try and keep your cool, not seem too desperate.

- "that's not was I was thinking, but okay😐x"

You hadn't texted Kendall since the day after Kylie's party. You couldn't wait to see her again, she hasn't left your mind.
You'd just left your apartment in some pretty casual clothes ready to go grab some dinner. Kylie pulled up outside and you hopped in the front seat. "Kendall's gonna like that" she said smiling. "Oh my god I don't like Kendall like that!" I said laughing. "You can deny it all you want babe I know a crush when I see one, especially with you!"
"You can see crushes huh?" I replied which caused her to frown but still keep her smile. "Uhh yeah?" She said confused. "Does Kendall have a crush on me?" She smiled and turned her head to look away from me. I sat looking at her still waiting for my answer. She looked out her door window and muttered "I think the word crush is a little too weak for what I see".
When we arrived at the restaurant, there was already two people sat at the six seater table. Kylie sat in the middle and I sat to her left. Not long after Kendall walked in with Kylie's friend Harry. She walked in wearing a crop top with a turtle neck, a crop top that was extremely thin and of course she wasn't wearing a bra. I tried to concentrate hard on her eyes and I succeeded. Harry quickly sat down opposite me and Kendall seemed some what annoyed he'd taken the seat she set her eyes on. She instead sat down opposite Kylie but almost turned her body to the left to the left to face me instead. "Hey" she said almost as if she was embarrassed. "Wow, you're alive" I said joking/flirting. "Shut up" she said laughing. "I was just passed out that night" she continued. "Kendall I had to check your pulse like 10 times, I honestly thought you were dead" I said laughing. She continued to smile at me even though the joke and our talking was over, even though I'd turned to face Harry as he was talking to me. I could feel her smiling at me still ever so slightly.
After we'd finished our food, I took my camera out and started taking some low key photos of Kylie whilst she was chatting with her two other friends I didn't really know that well. I realised Kendall was watching my every move. I placed my elbows on the table and turned the camera to face Kendall discreetly and took some photos, knowing full well she was watching me. "Hey, don't take photos of me" she said smiling. "I just ate a meal, it's not cute" she continued. "I hate to break it to you Kendall, but I'm trying to take pictures of the pretty windows but you're blocking my view" I said laughing. But who was I kidding, she was the view. She tilted her head down and smirked at me, just before I snapped her again:

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