Tattoos #3

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She opened her mouth to breathe only ever so slightly and you could feel her presence even closer. She moved her mouth closer and closer to yours. You closed your eyes only to feel the most delicate and soft lips gently press against yours you have ever felt. This wasn't a heavy kiss, just a gentle press of your lips. You realised you actually hadn't moved at all, and that she had moved her head right in towards yours. Yeah decide to push your head in a little so you met in the middle of the space between you, which made the kiss heavier. You tilted your head to the side which made your lips tangle a little, rather than being directly kissed. You pulled away after 10 seconds of this kiss only for both of you to flutter open your eyes and have them lock immediately. "Sorry.." She whispered, still extremely close to your face after pulling away. You could see she was starting to get worried that she had just completely freaked you out by kissing you, but of course she hadn't. "I just-" she continued in a whisper, but you reassured her that you enjoyed it by cutting her off mid sentence with another kiss. This time you placed your right hand on her neck and she placed one hand on your chest. You started to press harder and opened your mouth, and she did the same. You were both moving your heads side to side in sync with each other. You turned so that she was resting her ass against the edge of the counter, then you lifted her up onto the counter, her legs either side of your body. You did all of this never breaking the kiss, it was getting deeper and deeper. She was resting her arms on your shoulders and you were holding her by the waist. She eventually slowly slipped her tongue into your mouth and you did the same. This kiss became more and more heated until you finally broke apart after 4 minutes. "Why'd you stop?" Kendall said catching her breath. "I need to breathe" You said smiling widely at her, also catching your breath. She chuckled at you before eventually pulling you in again. This went on for a good 10 minutes, before you finally broke apart for good. You kept your position though - her on the counter and you in between her legs with your hands on her waist and her arms around your neck. You removed your right hand from her waist and looked at your watch. "Owh, I have to go" You said with a painful face looking her back in the eyes again. Kendall was still speechless from the kiss, you pulled away from her grasp and chucked your jacket over your shoulder whilst she slid off the counter. You started to walk towards the door and she followed. "Wait you're leaving?" She said seeming dissapointed. "Yeah I have to go with Kylie tomorrow morning for breakfast, basically a chilled meeting" she nodded, but she still looked disappointed. "I'm not running away I swear, you haven't scared me. I wish I could stay here" You said smiling at her. "But are you doing anything tomorrow evening?" She smiled at the fact that you were asking her out. "No I am not" she said sweetly. "Can i pick you up at 7 then?" You said smiling back.
"Of course" she replied seeming to be getting happier by the second. You leaned in and gave her a gentle kiss on the lips before leaving. You both never stopped smiling like idiots. You felt bad that you'd left but you always benefit from some time to let everything sink in after a shock like that, and you're sure she would too.


You just walked into your local breakfast joint where you were meeting Kylie to discuss more photography trips. You walked in with an un natural smile that had stayed plastered on your face since you kissed Kendall last night. "What's that smile for?" Kylie said with one eyebrow raised whilst you lowered yourself into the chair opposite her. "Hello to you too" you said laughing. "Can't a girl be happy?" You continued. You knew what was about to happen. Kylie's confused face started to change into a grin and her jaw slowly dropped. "Oh my god! You went out with Kendall last night! What happened- tell me now!" She said raising her voice a little too much. "Shh" you said amused at her outburst. "Nothing happened" you tried to convince her, but it was obvious by the smile on your face that something had happened. "Stop lying right now" she said getting more serious. "I ain't playing, tell me what happened now or your fired" you couldn't tell if she was kidding or being dead serious, but you weren't risking it. "Fine, she kissed me" you said out of no where. "What? Oh my god! Did you kiss her back?" She said a lot happier than she was 10 seconds ago. "That's not important, the important part is that she made the first move not me" you said laughing. "Wait, did you spend the night?" She said getting serious again. "No, I left pretty much after the kiss, but only cause I had to get home"
"Uh oh"
"She's not going to like that. She'll think she's scared you off" Kylie sounded more serious than before. You were worried she'd think that, but that's why you made the date. "I cleared that up with her, I said as I was leaving that I wasn't running away and that I'd take her out tonight"
"Okay, good call" she sounded relived.
"That's actually what I wanted to ask you. What would she like for a first date?"
"Literally Y/N, anything. As long as it's with you" she said smirking at you. This comment warmed your heart, and got you thinking about the best place to take her. Somewhere she'd enjoy herself, not something too pressurised and awkward.


You told Kendall to dress pretty casual, as it wasn't going to be a big fancy date, as you admitted to her straight away. You wore an army green hoodie with a bomber jacket over the top, black ripped skinny jeans with your ankles out and all white sneakers. You wore makeup, but kept it very simple as it was going to be dark anyway. You pulled up outside Kendall's apartment and she hopped in the passengers seat. She was wearing pretty similar attire to you, but with light blue jeans and a t shirt. "Hey gorgeous" you said smiling at her. She tuned to face you reflecting your smile. "Hey beautiful" she responded. You started the car up and began to drive. "So where are you taking me?" She said gazing at you lovingly. "We're going somewhere fun" I said. "Somewhere that you will remember, not just another expensive dinner first date" I said turning my head to face her for a brief moment with a smile on my face. She smiled back. "I already know I'm going to enjoy myself" she replied.

We arrived at the pier that was lit with pretty lights. I parked up and we walked along the sidewalk that over looked the beach. "Woah" she said admiring the amazing lit up carnival that was in the distance. "Is that where we're going?" She said as her face lit up, she looked excited. "Hell yeah" you said admiring the glow of lights through the dark sky.

We walked through the thumping music and small crowd of people admiring everything around us and enjoying the energy. "Let's go on this one first!" Kendall said breaking you out of your daydream and pulling you by the hand to your right. You both hopped on the ride and she held onto your right arm the whole time the ride was throwing you up and down. You got off the ride over exaggerating your dizziness, making her laugh. "Come on you roller coaster light weight" she said laughing. "Funnyyy" you said gripping her shoulder to steady yourself, and she placed her hand on top of yours on her shoulder. The majority of the evening was spent mucking about and laughing, going on rides and just having a really amazing time with Kendall. She was in her element, having an amazing time. She was dragging you onto every ride and appreciating every second of the time she spent here. She linked arms with you several times as you both wandered around. You won her a few stuffed animals, and you both enjoyed how cliché that was. You were acting like best friends, which made her so much more comfortable to be around and honestly, made you like her more. You'd been at the carnival for roughly 2 hours before you realised how hungry you were and presumed Kendall was too. "Hey, let's go get a pizza I'm starving" you said and she nodded, grabbing your hand as you lead her through the people to the exit. You got your pizza and sat on the pier, your legs dangling over the water. "That was insane" Kendall said with a big smile on her face. "Thank you for bringing me here" she said with a shy smile as she turned her head towards you. "You're very welcome" you said as you turned your head to face her as well. She didn't turn her head back over to the water, you knew what she wanted, and you were going to give it to her. You leaned in and kissed her gently on the lips. After about a minute you reached and put your hand on her cheek, only to feel that it was kind of cold. "Mmm" you said frowning, still kissing her just before pulling away. "Are you cold?" You asked her concerned. "A little, but that doesn't matter" she said trying to lean in again. "No wait" you said quickly removing your jacket and hoodie. You passed her your hoodie before putting your jacket back on. "Put this on" she gladly slid it over her head and snuggled into it. "Mmm thank you" she said clearly enjoying the warmth. "I would've given it to you way sooner if you'd said-" you were interrupted by Kendall grabbing the back of your head and pulling you in again. After about 4 minutes of kissing you both pulled away and you finished your pizza. Once you'd finished you were sat next to her, both admiring the peaceful sound of the waves and enjoying the water reflecting the lights of the carnival in the distance. You placed your arm around her neck and pulled her into you. She placed her head on your shoulder and her left hand onto your right thigh. You kept your arm around her neck and she grabbed your hand that was on her chest with her right hand. You stayed like this for a long while. You didn't talk much but you were both in complete harmony, admiring the view and enjoying each other's presence and warmth. Both of you were thinking about what an amazing evening it had been, an evening that you'll never forget.

To be continued...

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