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"Eleven. Listen to me. Run. Run away. Go through this pipe. Pipe leads outside. Understand?" The small girl nodded to the older one, looking longingly at her sister before crawling through the only way out of that damn lab.

Ten heard hushed voices and began to run. Run away from the pipe. She'd have to use the gate. Use her powers.

Men in protective suits began swarming the front gate, the way for 'normal' people to enter. "Send her to sleep." A robotic voice said from one of the suits, making the rest of the group advance towards her.

Ten used her powers to rid her path of the 'bad men'. Using her powers once more, the gate swung open willingly, allowing her to pass through.

With that, her 'Papa' was sent flying back into the wall and the older girl went running after her beloved sister.

She knocked her sister's captors to the ground, breaking their necks in the process. Eleven fell to the ground, quickly getting up again and running into her sister's arms.

"Dont worry. We're getting out." Ten said and crouched down, letting her sister climb onto her back. Ten ran as fast as she could to the place where she knew herself and Eleven could escape.

Of course, on the way they met suited men with guns but with a quick movement from the two gifted girls and they were all dead in seconds.

Ten rushed outside to meet more men, whom were taken down with a simple thought inside Ten and Eleven's heads.

Ten ran and ran, legs crushing leaves and blood pounding furiously. Despite the growing pain in her ribs and head, the test subject raced on. She knew her sister would be safe. She had her mind to keep her from harm.

As Ten ran, she heard noises. Something that she had never heard before. Ten wasn't surrounded by trees anymore, no. She came across a big black thing on the ground, white lines dotting themselves down the middle.

A road.

Only Ten didn't know it was a road and walked straight onto it. She curiously looked at it as her bare feet felt the tarmac.

The same peculiar noise she heard a few moments prior had grew louder. It sounded like someone talking but, it was more panned out. The girl tried to concentrate and listen to this sound.

"Should I stay...should I go now..." Was all Ten could make out. However as the noise grew louder, she noticed the floor beneath her getting brighter, illuminating the dark night around her.

Within a few seconds, a metal beast with piercing white lights came racing towards her and all she thought to do was use her mind in defence.

Ten made herself an invisible protective layer, something that would protect her and stop the car. Of course, she didn't know it was a car, the whole outside world was totally new to her.

The car came to a slow hault as Ten's invisible force stopped it. The man inside would've banged his head if hadn't have been for his trusty seatbelt.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jan 10, 2017 ⏰

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