Chapter Nine: Take it Slow

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I glared at Liam from across the room. I don't understand why they can tell me what's going on. It's can't be that dangerous.

I can feel you staring at me.

I would hope so.

Louis, we would tell you if we could. But now it not a good time.

It never is, is it?

Liam turned to look at me with sad eyes. "Don't be like that?" he mouthed. I shook my head and looked the other way.

Louis, please.

I didn't answer back.

"Alright, everyone," Josh shouted. "Pack it up we're going home." People moved towards the door. Josh's entire pack shuffled out of the room and our pack was left alone.

I headed towards the door, but Zayn blocked the exit. "Let us explain." He pleaded.

"There's nothing to explain." I countered. "If you aren't telling me what I am, I don't want to talk." I said.

"Louis," Harry spoke up. "we would tell you if we could, but we have strict orders from the counsel not to." He explained.

I shook my head. "I don't care. I just want to know why everyone wants me dead."

Harry wrapped an arm around my waist. "We'll tell you as soon as the time comes."

"Promise?" I held out my pinkie.

He held his out, too, reminding me off Nick. "Promised." We wrapped our pinkies together.

"Since that's settled, let's get out of her. Those dead bodies are giving me the creeps." Niall shivered.

We exited the building down a ling corridor. The sun blinded us when we made it outside.

"We brought an extra car for you guys." Josh screamed from the driver's seat of a white van. The boys and I piled into the van and sped off home.

"Where exactly are we?" I asked as we passed many trees and open fields.

"We're in the heart of the werewolves' territory."

"That explains a lot." I nodded. I spotted some cabins on our way out. "How did Josh find us?"

Zayn turned in his seat. "We were supposed to have a gathering today, but..." He said.

"Alright then. One last question." They all hummed. "Who's after me and what do they want from me?" Liam stomped on the breaks. I gasped and held onto my seatbelt.

Niall sighed and Harry shook his head. "Why don't we just tell him?" Niall whispered.

"We can't, Niall. The council will have our heads." Liam argued.

"We're already in enough danger. What more can this do?" Harry responded.

"He's not ready." Zayn butted in.

"It doesn't matter. He needs to know. The war is starting earlier than I thought." Niall pointed out.

Zayn mumbled, "He's right, Liam. We need to prepare him."

"Fine," Liam grumbled.

"Louis, I want you to stay quiet and listen to everything I'm saying, okay?" I nodded my head. "Alright. Thousands of years ago, the first oracle was discovered. Her name was Julian. The oracle could tell the future, read prophecies and explain confusing dreams gods. The gods kept her locked up in Mount. Olympus, so no one would know of her. However, one of the gods servants had stumbled upon her cage and decided he was going to set her free. A few days later he did. He told her to run off into the woods and hided from the gods because he knew they would kill him. The very next day, the servant was executed in the town square. The gods sent out many men to find the oracle, but no-one could seek her. After many years, the gods gave up and moved on. By then, the oracle had met a man and reproduced. Her children had children and so on and so forth. Before the oracle passed, she said in a thousand years, there will be a new, powerful oracle and he/she will rule when the time came." Liam finished.

"Am I the Oracle?"

They all smiled. "Yes, you are."


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