Chapter One

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Everything was in shambles as I stumbled down the halls of Belle Reve Penitentiary. The air was filled with dirt making it difficult to breathe but I was determined to get to her cell without callapsing. She always told me she'd keep me safe and now, I'm putting her to the test.

Using my coat to cover my mouth and nose I started to sprint down the very familiar halls. When I made it to her gate, I saw it was already open. Ignoring how or who opened it, I ran in. The air in here was easier to breathe. Dropping my coat, what I saw was confusing.

Harley was kissing a S.W.A.T team member like her life depending on it. I tilted my head slightly and saw the word JOKER written on the man's uniform and realized it was her love. I walked closer and caught the attention of Joker's men, they immediately put up their weapons and were about to shoot when Harley screamed. "Stop! Don't shoot! She's with me!" Harley said, skipping over to me and wrapping her arm around my shoulder.

"I didn't think you'd come." She teased, smiling largely. I rolled my eyes. "What else would I've done?" I shrugged. Belle Reve was going down and I definitely didn't want to be a part of it when it did. Harley smirked and begun pulling me towards as she likes to call him 'her puddin'. He had taken his S.W.A.T helmet off and stared at us, curiously. "Mister J, this is the girl I've been telling you about! Remember!?" Harley's accent was thick as she spoke animatedly to The Joker. He seemed interested in me, which made me worried for some reason but also a little excited.

The Joker smirked, "You didn't say she was beautiful, Harley." Joker said while still staring at me. I couldn't stop my eyebrows from raising. The Joker just called me beautiful, how is that even possible? Isn't he suppose to be the baddest of the bad, the worse of the worse? Harley has spoken about him in such a manner to make me think otherwise but I've always knew Joker was trouble. I could never trust a man who hurts Harley as much as he does, but I can't stop but think how handsome he is. He's a horrible person but why does he have to be so attractive? That's beyond unfair.

Harley's grip on my shoulder tighten, I could tell she felt upset that her man complemented me. She tried to play it off with a giggle but I knew she was hurt her puddin' didn't say she was beautiful. "Didn't I? Must of slipped my mind." Her words started to get cold which made me shift in her arms. The tension between the two made me incredibly uncomfortable. Joker glared at Harley once more before clapping his hands, making me jump. "Shall we?" He grinned, his smile was even more sinister then Harley's.

Of course it is, I thought, he's the freaking Joker.

Harley clapped her hands aswell as she pulled me to a rope ladder that was hanging through a large hole in the ceiling of her cell. Joker climbed up frist then Harley. I stared at the rope for a second, debating whether this was what I wanted. I would be a criminal by association. I was going to be with the king and queen of Gotham, and they ruled cruelly. I would become a murderer. I might even go mad, if I haven't already.

I reached out and touched the rough rope. I looked up to see Harley half way up. It was now or never, I thought before I climbed up the rope ladder. Half way up I yelped as we took off with Harley and I still dangling from the ladder. Harley laughed and swung upside down, her head landed just above me as she winked and stretched out her arms in the wind. While getting to know Harley I've notice she definitely didn't fear death at all. She wasn't afriad of anything and could handle her own without a problem. She knew how to kill a person without a gun and is just as dangerous as the joker. She just has a bigger heart which makes her vulnerable. Her only weakness being the person she loves and he definitely takes advantage of her.

Harley reached down and pulled my hair from my bun. She threw my elastic in the wind and smiled brightly at me. My dark hair fell to my shoulders in thick waves, the wind playing with it. Then I felt it, what I'm guessing Harley always felt. The feeling of being utterly free. It was glorious. It was like the world didn't exist as I locked my legs in the rope and let myself fall back like Harley. She cheered over the loud wind and clapped. I grinned, looking passed her to see The Joker smirking down at me. His left eye dropped in a wink and I felt myself shutter, tearing my eyes from him I lifted myself back up and smiled at Harley. She seemed so happy and carefree. She leaned in and kissed my cheek, probably leaving a red lip mark as she laughed. I joined in, our laughter filling the air as we lost our minds.


Hi hello. Idk about u but this was so much fun writing. Fyi this is Margot Robbie and Jared Leto joker and Harley bc I LOVED THEM IN SUICIDE SQUAD. I feel like a lot of people are going to judge the way I write Harley and joker but I'm trying my best okay? I'm such a huge geek for the two of them and I know their personalities pretty well. There will be so much violence in this story tbh. Joker's and Harley's life is basically pure violence and sex lol. And I'm going to make sure to make this story that way.

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