Chapter Three

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Who would of thought that I'd end up in Arkham Asylum. And as patient. Gotham didn't. They didn't expect another Harley Quinn to happen but what do you know, it did. They said I was even worse then Harley, more dangerous, because I shot The Joker without a second thought. Maybe they are right. Maybe I am crazy and maybe I am dangerous. Or maybe I just crave freedom. Whichever one it is, it's considered insane. I didn't mind being called crazy or a freak if I was still free. But being locked up in Arkham while people spread rumors of what happened to me without be able to defend myself is driving me fucking mental. If I ever get the chance of freedom the people of Gotham better watch out because I'll be coming for them. Without mercy.

The sound of a guards baton hit against my cell metal door making an ear piercing sound but I didn't flench, I just raised my head a bit. "You've got a visitor." The man's gruff voice said and then it was silent. I looked back down at my lap, waiting for him to come in and take me to whoever has come to visit one of the most insane people of Gotham but the door never unlocked. He must of been teasing me, they do that a lot. I usually go along with it and flirt up a storm but lately they've been telling about what people are saying and I've become pretty low and to myself. But really, I was just thinking up ways to escape and take my revenge.

There was a sound of wings being flapped and I smirked down at my lap. My hands twiching in the straightjacket I was stuck in. "Of course," I whispered, he stayed quiet as I slowly lifted my head to see the one and only Batman. "They'd say you'd come." I smiled deeply and he made no emotion. Not that I'd see it. My room was dark and he had a mask on. He stepped forward and I raised my eyebrow suggestively, making him stop walking towards me. "Who told you I'd come." He demanded and I giggled, my smile growning. I leaned my head in a bit, "The voices." I whispered and burst out in laughter. Batman seemed to become frustrated with me as he stepped foward threatening me but I didn't fear death. Not anymore. "I could of left you and Harley in that harbor to drown." He snapped in that deep gravelily voice of his. My laughter stopped, I looked into his dark eyes and smiled. "No," I said. "You wouldn't do that, you're not about killing us. You just want to help your favorite place on this earth, Gotham." I spat like that word tasted bad in my mouth. "You'd rather have us locked up and end up dying in here then killing us yourself, or else The Joker would of been dead already." I shrugged knowingly. Batman stared at me, not really doing anything which made me frown. "Didn't expect that as my answer, batsy?" I sighed and laid back on my hard bed and looked up at my plain ceiling.

I felt a hand wrap around my ankle and I smirked as I was pushed against my hard wall, batman glaring at me. "What did they do to you?" He said, his voice almost sounding sad and familiar? I stopped smiling and stared at him, tilting my head a bit. My therapist coming through as realization set in and I smirked. "Bruce." I said smiling once again and I could see his eyes slightly widen. "Oh relax, Bruce, I won't tell." I leaned in so my lips almost touched his ear that was covered by his mask. "Even if I did, who'd believe an insane person?" I whispered darkly before falling back against the wall. He looked at me, shaking his head slightly as he took a few steps back. "Not taking having your sister in Arkham well?" I grinned and he glared at me and ripped off his mask so I could finally see my brother's face. A warm feeling spread through my body as I softly smiled at my brother, Batman. "I'll fix this, I promise." Bruce said, his voice shaky as he walked a bit closer to me. I shook my head, "I don't need to be fixed, Bruce. I like this me. This was who I was meant to be." I said, my body getting a dull feeling again. Bruce stared at me, a tear slipped down his cheek. I frowned, stepped forward and lifting my straight jacket from my body that I had learned how to get out of a while ago. I reached up with my free hand a wiped his tear away, leaving my hand on his face as I smiled gently at my brother. "Don't cry for me, Brucy. I'm not your little sister anymore. I will never be her ever again and I hope if you get the choice to stop me," I got serious and looked into his eyes. "Kill me." I said and pulled my hand from his cheek and took a seat on my bed and begun to laugh. "I'll tell mom and dad you say hi." I giggled and in a blink of an eye he was gone and I was left alone with the voices in my head.

My hand slipped under my pilliow as I grabbed the cold metal. The gun in my hand felt almost weightless as I played with it in my hand. I took out the a piece of paper I made a while ago. It was like a queen of hearts card but instead it was a princess and it was pure black in color. I placed the card infront of me and took the gun in my hand and then I herd the clicking of my door being open. I smiled, just in time.

Right as the guards opened the door I fired and took them out. I got up and stepped over the bodies. I could hear the sound of boots hitting the ground apoach me quickly and I frowned. I sprinted in the opposite direction and to the section I remember where her cell was located when I had memorized the map of this place years ago. When I came to her door I shot at the lock and kicked her door in and there she sat, on her bed crossed legged and happy as she smirked up at me.

"Hello princess."


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