Chapter 4: Being a savage

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I know some people are used to the Nigga being a trap god and hiding that shit... Nah. I'm the savage nobody ever thought about I keep a Nigga name so they don't have in they mind it's a woman. Skrilla Coke Lorde is my fucking name and I could give 2 fucks who don't like it.

"Baby boy I gotta go" "nah stay here" "it's urgent I can't" "aight what time you be back?" "I don't know if I don't answer I'm busy I love you kisses" I was dressed as if it was a ordinary day outfit but as soon as I was in the car I was in black joggers hoodie and shirt and sneaks. 20 minutes later I arrive to the trap house.

"Oh shit Skrilla!" "Why the fuck y'all mufuckas ain't working on who the fuck playing around with my money?!" "That's what we wanted to discuss with you about" "Aight so fucking say something" "Aight so the Nigga ... Is a Nigga and he be--" "What the fuck is his name don't sugar coat shit" "Rafael" "You mean my stand by" "ye he been selling the coke and the weed for $30 instead of $50 he made prices lower by decreasing $10 leaving us 60% which is pretty low because we all got a 75-80% raise but it leaves us now 40% giving you 45%" that's bronze he smart as shit he give you all you need to know about money when it's urgent it's urgent. "Where this Nigga at?" "See that's the thing we don't know where he's at" "Actually he's in West Philly apt.4B I had skrew get him he should be on his way now" that's skeleton killa he got that name because every mission we had he was dresses in all black and on front was a skeleton body and each time he killed somebody he had a number. In the next 3-5 minutes screw short for screw driver he could take a screw driver and unscrew and scratch up shit don't ask me how he gets through just by scratching a fucking door up. But he came in and it was a body bag and rope around the body. Dye took the body bag off him and tied him up he fidgeted and moved. "Just the busted ass Nigga I was looking for why the fuck you playing with my money?" "Bitch you don't pay me shit so fuck you" "Dye open up that safe, so what the fuck don't I give you all that money in there I figured cause you was the youngest one here I'd save it cause you don't know what to do with it considering your only 16 u was gonna get it when you hit 18 but you fucked up that chance" "wait please I'm sorry" "Nope you fucking with my money is like fucking with my head and nobody fucks with neither of those things" and with that I shot his brains out the blood splattered on me. "Clean this shit up I'm out" 40 minutes I'm at the house and open the door. "Hey bab--" "what" "why the fuck you got blood on your face?" Oh shit I really forgot about that shit. "Baby my mom got injured and she was coughing up blood I took her to the hospital she's ok" "damn you good baby girl?" "Yea I'm just tired" I realized I'm better than all these Niggas when it comes to trapping. "Ayo babe I feel like I can tell you so I am" "OK" "it's this trap god named Skrilla Coke Lorde he shot my bro Rafael" my eyes jumped open and I jumped up. "Oh ok I'm so sorry to hear that" " Ima trap Lorde myself so it's cool Ima kill that mufucka" with that he left. I sat up on the edge of the bed leaned over thinking we gotta move to the next location and he can't find out it's me. I call up dye and tell him Wassup and he gets the gang together and with that I go to sleep.

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